Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What is Art?

Today the students worked in small groups discussing what art is and is not.
We did carousel brainstorming. The students looked at an image, discussed whether they thought it was art and wrote their response with an explanation on the sheet. They then handed it on to another group and considered another image.

We discussed the general findings as a class.
The students decided art can be ...

  • A picture on a canvas, paper, on your body (tattoo), on a wall or even on objects.
  • Art can be beautiful or ugly / violent.
  • Art is something created by a person or by nature.
  • Art can be music, theatre, dance.
  • Art can make you think or feel or make you look twice. 
  • Art can be organized or random. 
  • Art can be colorful or not.
  • Photographs can be art (a few students disagreed).
  • Art can be sculptures, creations or inventions.
  • Some students said Art could be functional but others disagreed. 
A great second think about what Art is from the Grade 4 students. 

Here are some of the images the students looked at and discussed. 

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