Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Home learning - Due Friday

With all the madness of Book-week I forgot to post the homework.
Here it is. One major task and lots of reading please ...

Grade 4     Home learning tasks         Due  Friday 14th October 2016
Email: alisonstanton@ispp.edu.kh                   

Girl, Book, Read, Purple,
Personal reading
15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log each morning at school.

... Blue Monster ...
Teaching a skill
Early next week you will be teaching your buddies a new skill.
Use the storyboard (12 steps) sent home with you to plan your mini lesson. You need to have a sketch and simple instructions for each step. You will practice with a classmate and adjust you mini lesson so it is very clear for your buddy.
A simple example is in your take home pack
Where's Waldo?
Dress up day Friday
Don’t forget to dress up as a book character on Friday.
You do not need a fancy costume. You can be creative and make something at home.

Monday: Book swap, Art
Tuesday: Swimming, Music
Wednesday - PE, Guest speaker
Thursday  - , PE, Guest artist
Friday: Homework tasks due, Guest Illustrator

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