Dear Parents,
ISPP campus is closed today - Friday June 2nd due to the planned CPP march that is scheduled to take place near ISPP on Hun Sen Boulevard, Hun Neang Boulevard and Road No. 2. We have confirmed this information through the police, the government and the US Embassy.
The march will begin in early morning at the southern end of Hun Sen Boulevard and proceed north to Monivong Boulevard towards the Japanese Bridge where it will turn left towards Toul Kork. It is also likely that groups will march in front of the school to Road No. 2 and then to Monivong Boulevard north. It is also possible that some marchers may move laterally from Monivong Boulevard into different communes in the city. Much of the movements are unpredictable and we have no way of knowing when the roads from town to school will be passable.
In this case we have activated our part Education Continuance platform which we have prepared for situations like this.
School is closed and home learning will occur so you are to -
- Email me (your teacher) and let me know you have read the learning tasks for the day. (see below)
- When you have completed all learning tasks (listed below), send me an email to let me know you have completed them. I will mark you present on the ISPP roll.
Your Home Learning Tasks for Friday 2 June 2017:
Complete blog reflection on marketplace preparation (see this week’s homework sheet).
Add photos
Go onto Mathletics and complete 30 minutes.
Finish assigned tasks and then play Live Maths.
Practice your infomercial ready to perform on Monday 5 June to the Grade 2 students .
Use this time to make your products and bring them to school on Monday 5 June. Make as many products as you can.
Reading - spend 30 min or more reading a book
EXTRA (If you have time) -
Take a photo of yourself making your product at home and post it on your blog with a caption.
Create an advertisement for you product or service to display in front of your shop.
Don’t forget to check out any single subject classes you would have had on Friday by visiting their blogs.
Grade 4 Home learning tasks Due Friday 19th May 2017
Personal reading
Read for a minimum of 20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log.
Try to finish a chapter book this week to contribute to the class reading challenge. So far we have read 58 books.
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Maths - Multiplication
Practice your multiplication skills.
We will have a quiz on Friday to see how you are progressing.
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Reflection / Blog posts
Complete the blog posts we started in the computer lab.
We are completing 4 posts and reflecting on
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Keep brainstorming ideas
This week we will form groups and start planning for our small businesses.
Keep thinking about ideas of products you could design and create.
On Friday you will reflect on your ideas and start production.
Monday 15 th May - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday 9th May - Swimming & Music
Wednesday 10th May - FL, PE
Thursday 11th May - PE
Friday 12th May - Homework due, FL
Grade 4 Home learning tasks Due Friday 5th May 2017
Personal reading
Read for a minimum of 20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log.
Try to finish a chapter book this week to contribute to the class reading challenge. So far we have read 28 books.
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Maths - Fractions in our life
Try to be creative and find images that show what fractions look like in real life.
Post pictures of each fraction on your blog.
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Writing - Book review
Complete a book review (template is in the classroom) this week.
The book you review should be a chapter book and at your reading level. Not too easy, not too difficult.
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Unit - Marketplace
Last week Ms Lindy from the ISPP Marketing team came to speak to us about her role. We discussed some ideas of how we can market ISPP, encourage people to enroll their children in the school.
Create a marketing campaign promoting the school using a strategy you are comfortable with.
You may make an infomercial, a short movie, an advertising poster, a rap song, a newspaper article or persuasive letter.
Share your marketing strategy with me. We will share with the class on Friday.
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If you have finished all the other tasks try - Coolmath marketing games
Use your Marketplace knowledge to try to make a profit at one of the businesses below.
Monday - Field trip - Art, FL
Tuesday - Field trip - Unit, Swimming & Music
Wednesday - FL, PE
Thursday - PE
Friday - Homework due, FL
Grade 4 Home learning tasks Due Friday 28th April 2017
Personal reading
Read for a minimum of 15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log.
Try to finish a chapter book this week
To contribute to the class reading challenge.
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Maths - Word problems
Try to solve three word problems below using your knowledge of fractions.
We will share our answers and strategies on Friday.
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Writing - 3 wishes
On Monday you wrote about 3 things you would wish for. Have a second think about what you wished for. Do your wishes reflect your values? Do you want to change your three wishes?
Please write a blog post describing the three things you would wish for, including the reasons for your choice.
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Unit - Marketplace / Blog
Please reflect on two places we visited on field trips from this unit. On your blog you need to include - What you liked, What you learned and what you wonder with pictures. Think about what you could see, hear, smell, feel at each. Use the descriptive words and photos I have shared on the class blog in your blog post.
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If you have finished all the other tasks try - Coolmath marketing games
Use your Marketplace knowledge to try to make a profit at one of the businesses below.
Take a photo or screenshot of your highest profits and post your progress on your blog
Thursday 27 April • WHERE IS AYLAN?
A refugee drama performed by After School Programme students
3:00pm • Black Box Theatre - Entrance Fee Students $3 I Adults $5
- A cake recipe requires 4/10 cup of sugar for the frosting and 1/10 cup of sugar for the cake. How much sugar is that altogether? Can you simplify the answer?
- After a party, 5/8 of the cake is left over. That night, big brother eats 1/8 of the cake. How much is left over now? Can you simplify your answer?
- In our class 11/22 of the students do not like chocolate ice cream. What fraction of the students like chocolate ice cream? Can you simplify your answer?
Grade 4 Home learning tasks Due Friday 21st April, 2017
Personal reading
Read a chapter book for 20 + minutes each day.
Can you help the class complete the collective 100 book challenge?
When you have finished a chapter book you will need to write a short review and post it on your blog.
Each Friday we will check off the books read in the class and adjust our reading target.
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This morning Mr Matt introduced the you to codecombat.
Practice this at home and see if you can move up to the next level.
You will be using syntax (javascript) to make things happen.
Objects are the things we want to change. Procedures are the instructions we give. Objects + Procedure = Method
To sign in remember to sign in with G+ then you can use your school email and password. Your progress will be saved. You also need to select Javascript as your language.
The first level the students are exploring is Kithgard Dungeon. They will need to complete 1-3 hours of syntax to move to the next level. The levels will get progressively more difficult as you move up.
Class code : PaperSpeedShort
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Finish the Mathletics tasks assigned to you.
You can also practice your multiplication using dice, flip cards or games at home. We will have a general multiplication quiz on Friday.
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Unit - Marketplace
Think of an item you can buy at many different places in Phnom Penh.
On your blog post a picture of the item and the price at different venues.
Why do you think the price changes? OR does not change?
Monday - Book swap 1, Art
Tuesday - Field trip, Swimming, Music
Wednesday - PE
Thursday - PE, Book swap 2
Friday - Homework tasks due
Grade 4 Home learning tasks Due Friday 31st March, 2017
Personal reading
15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log each day.
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Peace and Conflict Creating a Peace plan
Think of a creative way you can help to make your world a more peaceful place.
Write your idea as a goal supported by 3 steps you will follow to achieve it. You will brainstorm ideas on Monday and then write this in your journals on Wednesday this week. Make sure you have organized your ideas at home in preparation for this writing task.
You will start working on your goal this week and will reflect on your progress in your journal early next week. Has your action or behavior changed a conflict situation?
This is private and will not be posted on your blog.
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Math Basic Facts - Multiplication
Aim to spend 15 + minutes per day practicing the multiplication tables you are still having difficulty with.
We need to build up our accuracy and speed to help us with division.
We will be doing focused multiplication quizzes throughout the week.
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UOI & Writing - Peace and Conflict Poetry
This week you will write two acrostic poems at home for PEACE and CONFLICT.
We will create a bank of words in class on Monday to help you get started.
The acrostic will be written using sentences (like the examples shown) not single words and will reflect your ideas about peace and conflict.
Monday : FL, Art, Book swap
Tuesday : Swimming, Music
Wednesday : FL, PE, YAPP Dodgeball / Capture the Flag (ISPP)
Thursday : PE, Book swap, Grade 5 PYP Exhibition @ 6pm
Friday : FL, Grade 5 PYP Exhibition - Grade 5 Piazza
Coming up ….
Wednesday 5 April : Elementary Student-led Conferences 7:30am - 3:30pm • Homeroom and Single Subject Classrooms (Including Gym) No Elementary After School Programme.
Friday 7 April : Elementary Assembly - 7:45am • Black Box Theatre
10 - 14 April • Khmer New Year Holiday - (School and Offices Closed)Grade 4 Home learning tasks Due Thursday 9th March, 2017
Personal reading
15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log each day.
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Reading Comprehension - Peace and Conflict news
There are a lot of things happening in the news at the moment relating to peace and conflict.
Here are 4 different news websites for kids. Take a look at them and read for 30 mins about news relating to conflict and peace.
On your blog write a summary for one article that you read.
Include the key points.
What was the article about, what happened, when, where, why, how?
Make sure you tell us which news website you used by including the link to the article you read.
Include pictures for your summary.
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Math Basic Facts - Mathletics
Aim to spend 15 minutes per day - completing Mathletics tasks assigned to you.
Remember to practice your basic facts.
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It is a short week.
Thursday we finish at 11.45am.
Friday there is no school for students.
Remember Opposite Dress up day on Thursday
Monday 6 Feb: FL, Art
Tuesday 7 Feb: Swimming, Music
Wednesday 8 March: FL, PE
Thursday 9 March: OPPOSITE DAY dress up, PE - ½ day Pick up at 11.45am
Friday 10 March: No school for students. Staff PD
Grade 4 Home learning tasks Due Friday 3rd March, 2017
Personal reading
15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log each day.
Reading Comprehension - Organizations
There are many organizations who work to create a more peaceful world.
1. Find an organization that tries to stop injustice and works to create a more peaceful world.
2. Place this organization name and web link on the class Google slide show (it has been shared with you). Do not choose one that has already been added to the presentation
3. On the Google Presentation Summarize your chosen organization.
Include: when they were established, what their goal is and a summary of some of their achievements. See example by Ms Alison.
4. Be prepared to share this with the class and why you believe this organization works to create a more peaceful world.
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This week we will be reinforcing our understanding of Prime number and Composite numbers. You will practice working out if a number is Prime or Composite using pictures to show your understanding.
Show your thinking using the example below and bring your work to class. We will share on Friday.
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Unit - Peace and Conflict
Find a quote that is about peace or conflict and add this to the class Presentation. Explain what this quote means to you. Why did you select it? (hint - find a quote that you understand or makes you think).
Make sure you add the name of the person who said / wrote this quote.
See Ms Alison’s example on the slideshow & do not repeat a quote that has already been used.
We will share quotes and discuss on Friday.
Monday 27 Feb: FL, Art
Tuesday 28 Feb: Swimming, Music
Wednesday 1 March: FL, PE
Wednesday 1 March • Elementary Parent Workshop 7:45am • Music Studio (C101)
Feedback - Asking the Right Questions
Have you ever wondered how your child’s teachers know what type of questions to pose to students to really get them talking? Join us to brainstorm alongside other parents how you can get information from your kids that tells you what they are doing and how they are going.
Thursday 2 March: PE
Friday 3 March: Homework tasks due
Prime numbers are whole number greater than 1, whose only two whole-number factors are 1 and itself. Example 7 = only 7x1. It has no other factors, so is called a Prime number.
Composite numbers are whole numbers that can be divided evenly by numbers other than 1 or itself. Example 9 = 9x1 & 9 = 3x3. It has many factors, so is called a Composite number.
Is 15 Prime or Composite?
15 can be divided into 3 groups, with no leftovers.
3x5 = 15
15 is a Composite number.
15 x 1 = 15
3 x 5 = 15
Is 13 Prime or Composite?
13 can be only be divided by 1.
It cannot be divided into another other groups.
13 is a Prime number.
13 x 1 = 13
There are no other factors of 13.
Home Learning Activities due Friday 24th February 2017
This week is a short one. We are only at school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
so you only have 2 home learning tasks.
Enjoy the long weekend.
Reading Enjoy your personal reading for at least 20 minutes a day.
Record in your reading log at school.
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UOI Belief Systems
Central Idea: The actions and attitudes of individuals and communities create peace or conflict.
Think about a conflict that you have experienced in your personal life that you have resolved.
It may be an argument you have had with a friend, a sibling or a parent. It may be a one off situation or an ongoing argument you have. For example .. You may have a regular argument with a parent about cleaning your room.
Think about what caused the argument and consider the perspective of both parties. How did you resolve the argument? Did you use any of the Gecko’s choice conflict resolution options?
Note: This will not be shared on your blog. You will write about your conflict and how you resolved it so that both parties were satisfied with the result in your journals this week. You can make some notes at home so you are prepared for the writing session on Friday.
Reminders :
Tuesday: NO SCHOOL
Wednesday - PE
Thursday - PE, book swap - Library.
Friday: Be prepared to write about your personal conflict
Home Learning Activities due Friday 17th February 2017
Reading Enjoy your personal reading for at least 20 minutes a day.
Record in your reading log at school.
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Students who are not heavily involved in ‘Treasure Island’ ...
Reading and Writing
This week we will start focusing on narrative writing.
Choose three passages from the book you are currently reading:
(1) a sizzling start (May be the start of the book or a chapter).
(2) a descriptive sentence (that builds a picture in the reader’s mind) - maybe a description of a setting or a character.
(3) a sentence that includes action.
Please add on a Google document - ready to post on your blog.
Remember to tell us the name of the book you have chosen.
See example by Ms Alison
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UOI Belief Systems
Central Idea: Understanding our own and other people’s beliefs and values help us respect each other
Values: Personal Heroes Writing
Think a person who is a personal hero.
What do you admire (look up to) in that person?
What is it that makes us appreciate some heroes rather than others?
Do you think your heroes are universal (heroes to everyone)? Why / why not?
How do our thoughts about who we admire affect how we act and behave?
Include a picture of your hero
If you are stuck think of people that have inspired you, have they brought about change, have they conquered something to make them inspirational, have they overcome hardship.
See example - by Ms Alison
You will be posting this information on your class blog on Friday.
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MATHS Basic Facts
Work on your multiplication goal for the week. We will have a quiz on Friday so you can check your progress.
Reminders :
Monday: NO SCHOOL • Public Holiday - Meak Bochea (School and Offices Closed)
Tuesday: Swimming, Music
Wednesday - PE
Thursday - PE, book swap - Library.
Friday: Homework tasks due
My Personal Hero - Jane Goodall
Jane Goodall is one of my heros.
Jane Goodall is a world famous primatologist. She is strong, committed, caring, and dedicated to helping others. She has worked tirelessly her whole life to study and protect chimpanzees. She is turning 80 next month and still works to educate others. She champions hope, peace and wants to alleviate poverty. She is an expert in chimpanzees, but cares for all the creatures on the planet
She is a risk-taker, moving to Africa as a young girl with no experience. She has overcome many obstacles and is a problem solver. She shares her ideas and knowledge with others and is a communicator.
A quote from Jane Goodall ….
" My mission is to create a world where we can live in harmony with nature."
I believe some heroes are universal but many are not. I believe people admire people for a variety of reasons. I admire people who are strong, committed, caring, risk takers and communicators. As I stated earlier Jane Goodall exhibits all of these characteristics.
Each day I try to show these behaviours also. I think before I speak and try to treat everyone with kindness and respect.
Home Learning Activities due Friday 10th February 2017
Reading Enjoy your personal reading for at least 20 minutes a day. Record in your reading log at school.
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Students who are not heavily involved in ‘Treasure Island’ ...
Connection with main character
Using the book you are currently reading select one of the main characters.
Create a Google Document and write two paragraphs describing the beliefs and values of the character you have chosen. Give evidence from the book to support your ideas.
See example written by Ms Alison below.
You will edit, copy and paste onto your blog in the computer lab on Friday.
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UOI Belief Systems
Central Idea: Understanding our own and other people’s beliefs and values help us respect each other
Musicians/Performers often create music that expresses their beliefs and values.
Find a YouTube video with a song that expresses an artist’s beliefs and values. Please discuss this with your parents or guardians first to be sure you select a song that is appropriate for a Grade 4 audience. Copy the URL and insert it as a link on the class Google slide show with the name of the artist, Title of the song and year it was produced.
Write a paragraph on the next slide - Explain how this song shows the artist’s beliefs and values. How they are the same or different from your beliefs and values.
Be prepared to your song and paragraphs with the class.
If you are confused look at the example provided by Ms Alison on the slideshow.
You will be posting this information on your class blog on Friday.
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MATHS Basic Facts
Work on your multiplication goal for the week. We will have a quiz on Friday so you can check your progress.
Reminders :
Monday: Art
Tuesday: Swimming, Music
Wednesday - PE
Thursday - PE, book swap - Library.
Friday: Homework tasks due
Coming up ...
Monday, 13 Feb 2017 • Public Holiday - Meak Bochea (School and Offices Closed)
Connection with main character
Using the book you are currently reading select one of the main characters.
Create a Google Document and write two paragraphs describing the beliefs and values of the character you have chosen.
Example …
Book: The Lion the Witch and Wardrobe
Author: C.S. Lewis
Character: Lucy
Lucy is 8 years old and living in England during World War II. Lucy is the youngest of 4 children who are sent to the country to escape the bombs in London. We know Lucy is respectful by the way she speaks to the Professor and her older brothers and sister. She is also respectful and polite when she meets the faun, Mr Tumnus and Mr and Mrs Beaver. Lucy is also very open minded. When she first enters Narnia she is amazed but quickly accepts the situation and opens her mind to animals that talk, trees that listen and a white witch with powers. We also know Lucy values honesty. Even when he siblings do not believe her when she describes Narnia she always tells the truth.
Later in the story Lucy is given the title; Queen Lucy the Valiant. Valiant means showing courage and determination. Lucy shows courage when she pleads with her siblings to try to rescue Mr Tumnus from the White Witch even though it is dangerous. She shows determination when she travels long distances and overcomes many obstacles to help all the creatures of Narnia be freed from the evil spell of the White Witch.
Home Learning Activities due Friday 3rd February 2017
Reading Enjoy your personal reading for at least 20 minutes a day. Record in your reading log at school.
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Students who are not heavily involved in ‘Treasure Island’ ...
Summarizing - Using the book you are currently reading summarize it. Tells us what has happened in your book so far.
Post your reading summary onto your blog. Call it “My Summary”
Tell us the title of your story and what has happened in your story so far (What, where, when, who is in it and a personal response). Include a picture of your book. You may need to take a picture of your book then put on your blog if you can not find a picture off the internet.
The more you can tell us about your story the more we will want to read it.
If you have difficulty accessing your blog at home please create a summary in a google doc. You can copy and paste onto your blog in the computer lab on Thursday.
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UOI Belief Systems
Central Idea: Understanding our own and other people’s beliefs and values help us respect each other
You will be posting these paragraphs on your class blog in the lab later this week.
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MATHS Basic Facts
Work on your multiplication goal for the week. We will have a quiz on Friday so you can check your progress.
Reminders :
Tuesday: Swimming, Music
Wednesday - YAPP T-ball at NISC - Leave school at 1.00pm
Thursday - PE, book swap - Library.
Friday: Homework tasks due
Saturday 4th Feb - International day @ ISPP (come support your country booth)
Coming up ...
Monday, 13 Feb 2017 • Public Holiday - Meak Bochea (School and Offices Closed)
Home Learning Activities due Friday 27 January 2017
Reading Enjoy your personal reading for at least 20 minutes a day.
Record on your reading log each morning at school.
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UOI Belief Systems
Central Idea: Understanding our own and other people’s beliefs and values help us respect each other
UOI - Attitudes
Two of the attitudes that we are focusing on during our ‘Belief Systems’ unit are empathy and tolerance. Write two paragraphs, one about empathy and one about tolerance on a Google Document. In each paragraph write the definition of the attitude (in your own words) and write an example (or examples) when you have demonstrated the attitude at school.
You will be posting these paragraphs on your class blog in the lab later this week.
I believe empathy is …… It is different from sympathy. Sympathy is when …. Empathy is when ...I try to demonstrating empathy by …. I showed empathy at school when …….
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MATHS Basic Facts & multiplication
Complete mathletics tasks assigned to you. Remember to practice your multiplication facts ready for a quiz on Friday.
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Read a news article from Little Earth News. You can read a recent article or an older article (past editions). Write a summary of the important information in the article. Be ready to share you summary and answer questions about your ‘news’ with the class on Friday.
If you are busy with Treasure Island rehearsals you do not have to complete this task.
Reminders :
Tuesday 24 January Visit Jewish Synagogue, 419 Sisowath Quay, depart school 8:30, return 11:30.
Thursday 26th January- Bring your PE kit to change.
Friday 27th January - Elementary Assembly
Grade 4 Home learning tasks
Due Friday 13th January
Personal reading
15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log each morning at school.
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Book Promotion: Holiday reading
Add a slide to the class slideshow advertising a book you read and enjoyed or are currently enjoying.
Tell us the name of the book, author and genre.
Tell us what three things you like about the book and why we should read it. Please Include a picture of the book cover. (see example slide)
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Holiday slide show - Highlight
Add a slide to the class slideshow telling the class about something you enjoyed doing on your holiday (see example slide).
Where? When? What did you like about it? How did you feel?
Add 1-3 pictures that help us to understand what you experienced.
Reminders - This week
Tuesday 10th Jan - Swimming, Music
Wednesday 11th Jan - G4 All Day Field Trip - Phnom Chisor
- Depart 8am return approx 2pm.
- Students need to bring snack, water bottle, hat and sunscreen.
- If you are not signed up for Semester 2 school lunch you need to bring a packed lunch in the morning.
Wednesday 11th Jan - Creativity Elementary Parent Workshop
7:45am • Music Studio (C101)
Hands-on workshop for parents (with Dana and Leigh) about creativity, which explores how teachers leverage students’ creativity across the curriculum.
Thursday 12th Jan - PE, Library book swap, Planet Green with Mr Matt
Friday 13th Jan - FL/EAL, IT Lab
UNIT Homework Weeks 2,3 & 4.
November / December 2016
For the next 3 weeks you will select one of these tasks each week for your Unit homework.
You will post a picture of your Venn diagram, Mind map, Magazine advertisement or Advertisement and post on your blog each week.
You will add detail to your blog post explaining which task you chose and what you learned.
Energy usage:
How has energy usage in schools changed in the last 25 - 50 years. Interview your parents about what school was like when they were your age. Present your finding of what is the same and different using a Venn Diagram.
Mind Map:
Draw a mind map of energy forms and uses. You might use different colors, lines or geometric shapes to connect your thoughts.
Renewable product:
Make a magazine advertisement or radio announcement for a renewable energy source product. The product can be a futuristic item that comes from your imagination. You will need to explain how it works and persuade people to take action and buy it.
New energy form:
You are starting a new energy company. Think of a name for the company, the type of energy you will store, use and create an advertisement that shows your energy ‘plant’ and how it is beneficial to our world.
LANGUAGE Homework Weeks 2,3 & 4.
November / December 2016
For the next 3 weeks you will select one of these tasks each week for your Language / Literacy homework.
You will create a detailed blog post with relevant pictures and writing.
Procedural writing:
Interview a parent or guardian and ask them to teach you how to do something or make something. It may be a craft, a skill or be the steps to cook a food you enjoy. Write down the instructions step by step using the procedure format we have been using in class. Try to follow these steps to make the item / dish. Add the procedure you followed and picture evidence to you blog.
Explanation writing:
Think about your world and write down any questions that come to mind. Ie - I wonder why there is only a full moon every 30 days? Chose an interesting question and try to find out the answer. Write your question and explanation on your blog. Include a list of sources you used to find the answer.
Character description:
Think of an interesting character in a book you are currently reading.
Find 6 quotes in the book that help you build up a picture of what this character looks like, believes and thinks.
Draw what you see in your mind when you read about this character.
Add your picture and quotes from the text to your class blog.
Read the text below (Text for Prediction exercise)
What do you think will happen next in the story?
Copy the text on a Google document and then add another 2-3 paragraphs to the story.
Make sure the details in your part of the story match those in the first half. Be creative, descriptive and edit your writing before you post on your completed story on your blog.
Text for Prediction exercise:
"Ready ?" "Ready." "Now ?" "Soon." "Do the scientists really know? Will it happen today, will it ?" "Look, look; see for yourself !" The children pressed to each other like so many roses, so many weeds, intermixed, peering out for a look at the hidden sun. It rained. It had been raining for seven years; thousands upon thousands of days compounded and filled from one end to the other with rain, with the drum and gush of water, with the sweet crystal fall of showers and the concussion of storms so heavy they were tidal waves come over the islands. A thousand forests had been crushed under the rain and grown up a thousand times to be crushed again. And this was the way life was forever on the planet Venus, and this was the schoolroom of the children of the rocket men and women who had come to a raining world to set up civilization and live out their lives. "It’s stopping, it’s stopping !" "Yes, yes !" Margot stood apart from them, from these children who could ever remember a time when there wasn’t rain and rain and rain. They were all nine years old, and if there had been a day, seven years ago, when the sun came out for an hour and showed its face to the stunned world, they could not recall. Sometimes, at night, she heard them stir, in remembrance, and she knew they were dreaming and remembering gold or a yellow crayon or a coin large enough to buy the world with. She knew they thought they remembered ….
Math homework Weeks 2,3,4
November / December 2016
For the next 3 weeks you will select one of these tasks each week for your Math homework.
Problem solving using number skills:
How old are you?
Calculate your age using your knowledge of addition, multiplication and calendars. Show how you calculated the answer to each part of the problem. Take a picture of your calculations and write a blog post explaining how you solved the problem.
Create a dream house:
Using the grid paper provided plan your dream house.
Note - each cm on the grid represents one meter.
Color-code and add titles to each room in the house.
For each room calculate the perimeter and area of the room.
Ie - Bedroom / Perimeter = 8 meters, Area = 3 meters
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Using grid paper create a 3D model of a shape.
Volume of 48 cm (it can hold 48 unit cubes).
Remember to calculate volume you need to multiply Length x Height x Width
We will do examples of this in class.
What is one litre?
1 Litre is the same as 1000 millilitres.
Can you find 5 objects/ items at home or at the supermarket that hold 1 litre?
Write down the item (Brand and description) and add a picture to prove it is 1 litre.
Grade 4 AS Home learning tasks Due Friday 11th November 2016
Personal reading
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U O I - Energy and Creativity
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Math - Estimation and Measurement
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Extra optional task - Photo editing practice
Mr Matt has shown you how to edit pictures using PIXLR.
If you want additional tasks you can practice photo editing using the skills we have been working on in the computer lab.
See if you can remember how to start a new task or work on the task you have saved.
Monday: Field trip (all students are attending), Art
Tuesday: Swimming, Music
Wednesday - NO SCHOOL for students
Thursday - PE, book swap - Library.
Friday: Homework tasks due
Grade 4 AS Home learning tasks Due Friday 4th November 2016
Personal reading
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U O I - Art Mirrors Life
Mr Arvin Mamhot “Purest of Photography”
Pointers Mr. Arvin gave us about photography were:
Use Mr. Arvin’s advice to inspire you. Take two black and white photos.
You can use a camera or a phone to take pictures. You can take as a black and white picture or edit on your computer.
Post the photos on the class google slide document (I have shared with you) with a caption about how you used Mr. Arvin’s advice. You will share your photos with your peers on Friday.
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Math - Estimation and Measurement
You have estimated (roughly calculate / guess) the weight of object listed on your math sheet.Please weigh each object and see how close your estimate was. Bring your completed measurement recording sheet to class by Friday so we can share and check our understanding. | |
Extra practice / review
Mr Matt has shown you how to edit pictures using PIXLAR.
If you want additional tasks you can practice photo editing using the skills we have been working on in the computer lab.
See if you can remember how to start a new task or work on the task you have saved.
Tuesday: Guest speaker / artist, Swimming, Music
Wednesday - PE, Art
Thursday - PE, book swap - Library.
Friday: Homework tasks due
Find something that you think will weigh ….
Estimated Weight
Object/s you think will be close to this weight
What is the actual weight of the object?
10 grams
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50 grams
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200 grams
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500 grams
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1 kilogram
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40 kilograms
| ||
70 kilograms
g = grams
Kg = kilograms
How much do you weigh?
Estimate ……….
Actual weight ……….
How close were all your estimates?
Grade 4 AS Home learning tasks Due Friday 28th Oct 2016
Personal reading
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U O I - Art Mirrors Life
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Math - Estimation and Measurement
Monday: Guest Photographer, Art
Tuesday: Swimming, Music
Wednesday - PE, Digital Collage workshop
Thursday - PE, Visit to Sec Art class, Photo editing - part 2, book swap - Library
Friday: Homework tasks due
You will estimate the length/height of 12 objects and then measure to check your accuracy.
I have selected 6 for you. You will select an additional 6 objects in your home.
You will use whichever metric measurement you think is appropriate - mm, cm, m, km ...
Bring completed sheet to school on Thursday - ready to discuss estimates, accuracy and the tools you used to complete the task.
What I measured
Estimate - what I thought it would be.
How long it really was.
The difference between estimate and true measurement
EX My shoe
15 cm
29 cm
Estimate was
14 cm less
Front door
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A fork
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A very tall person
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A grain of rice
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Height of rubbish bin
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Your height
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Grade 4 Home learning tasks Due Friday 21st Oct 2016
Personal reading
15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log each morning at school.
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U O I - Art Mirrors Life
Unit of inquiry “Art Mirrors Life”. The central idea is: “Artistic expression is influenced by the society in which we live.”
PHOTOGRAPHY Mr Jonas talked about that photography is about making you feel something. It does not need to be beautiful but it should be somehow powerful.
A good photo makes you stop and think.
Take 4 photographs of Phnom Penh or Cambodia (our society) that evoked a feeling. (happy, sad, angry, surprised etc).
Put your 4 photographs on your blog. For each picture - explain where the picture is taken, if there is a story behind it and how looking at this picture makes you feel.
We will look at blogs on Friday to see all the pictures.
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Math: Measurement
Think about all the ways we use measurement in our lives.
Reflect back on your day and think about each time you have measured time, distance, volume, capacity….
Make a list with examples and bring to school - ready to share with the class on Friday.
Tuesday: Swimming, Music, Guest artists
Wednesday - PE, Extra Art
Thursday - PE, Photo editing workshop
Friday: Homework tasks due
Grade 4 Home learning tasks Due Friday 14th October 2016
Personal reading
15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log each morning at school.
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Teaching a skill
Early next week you will be teaching your buddies a new skill.
Use the storyboard (12 steps) sent home with you to plan your mini lesson. You need to have a sketch and simple instructions for each step. You will practice with a classmate and adjust you mini lesson so it is very clear for your buddy.
A simple example is in your take home pack
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Dress up day Friday
Don’t forget to dress up as a book character on Friday.
You do not need a fancy costume. You can be creative and make something at home.
Monday: Book swap, Art
Tuesday: Swimming, Music
Wednesday - PE, Guest speaker
Thursday - , PE, Guest artist
Friday: Homework tasks due, Guest Illustrator
Grade 4 Home learning tasks Due Friday 7th October 2016
Personal reading
15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log each morning at school.
Math - practice multiplication
Work on your multiplication recall skills.
You may wish to play games, make flashcards or practice with a parent or friend.
Literacy / visualization
Choose a passage from a chapter book that has no illustrations but is descriptive (and allows you to build a picture in your mind).
Draw what you visualize on a piece of A4 paper and bring to class.
Type the text on a google doc and share it with me. In class we will match the pictures with the different pieces of text.
We did an example of this with the NOGARD pictures in class.
Unit / Interview with an adult
Ask a parent or another adult about one of their favorite artists.
Why does he/ she like this artist? Add the artist’s name and an example of their work on the Google doc shared with you.
Do not select an artist that has already been used by another student & please be careful and do not adjust another student’s work.
Monday: Book swap, Art
Tuesday: Swimming, Music
Wednesday - PE
Thursday - Library, PE, Guest speaker
Friday: Homework tasks due
Personal reading
15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log each morning at school.
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Math - practice multiplication
Work on your multiplication recall skills.
You may wish to play games, make flashcards or practice with a parent or friend.
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Literacy / visualization
Choose a passage from a chapter book that has no illustrations but is descriptive (and allows you to build a picture in your mind).
Draw what you visualize on a piece of A4 paper and bring to class.
Type the text on a google doc and share it with me. In class we will match the pictures with the different pieces of text.
We did an example of this with the NOGARD pictures in class.
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Unit / Interview with an adult
Ask a parent or another adult about one of their favorite artists.
Why does he/ she like this artist? Add the artist’s name and an example of their work on the Google doc shared with you.
Do not select an artist that has already been used by another student & please be careful and do not adjust another student’s work.
Friday 19th September ...
Next week there is a lot happening in Grade 4.
With that in mind the students are not expected to do homework tasks.
They will read and record in their reading log but will not have additional tasks assigned.
G4 Home Learning Activities due Friday 16 September 2016
Read for 15-20 minutes every day. Remember to record the books you have read in your reading log at school.
U O I - Shape of a Leader Blogpost
Attitudes: co-operation, independence, commitment
How have you shown co-operation, independence and commitment in a leadership role during this unit? Write a paragraph about each attitude, and an example of how you have demonstrated it. (You will have 3 separate paragraphs).

Math: Mathletics
Practice your times tables to achieve your new multiplication goal. You will be given a quiz to see if you have achieved your goal on Friday. E.g. if your goal is to learn the 6x table, you will have a quiz on 6x table on Monday. Complete Mathletics tasks assigned to you.
Tuesday 13 September Class Photos
Wednesday 14 September Elementary Parent Workshop
Thursday 15 September Individual Photos
Friday 16 September 7:45 am Elementary Assembly
Grade 4 Home Learning Activities
Due: Thursday 8th Sept (3 1/2 day week)
Read for 15-20 minutes at home every day.
You will record your reading each morning in the classroom.

Book recommendation
You are to find your favorite book at home or in the library and promote that book for the class. Your book can be in your family language or in English.
You need to be convincing when you are promoting this book.
Why should we read it? Try to use powerful words..
Post your argument of why we should read this book on your blog with a picture. You will show your book and present your argument in class next Monday.

Math: Basic Facts Goal / Mathletics
Keep practicing your multiplication goal.
You can chose how you will practice. You may chose to create flip cards, play a matching game, play High/Low, Dice games or do quizzes.

Catch up …
If you are getting behind with your blog posts this is a chance to catch up. You have a list of what should be on your blog.
Check the list and see if you have completed all the items.
If you have 93 unread emails ... it might be a good opportunity to read emails too !
G4 Home Learning Activities due Friday 16 September 2016
Read for 15-20 minutes every day. Remember to record the books you have read in your reading log at school.
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U O I - Shape of a Leader Blogpost
Attitudes: co-operation, independence, commitment
How have you shown co-operation, independence and commitment in a leadership role during this unit? Write a paragraph about each attitude, and an example of how you have demonstrated it. (You will have 3 separate paragraphs).
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Math: Mathletics
Practice your times tables to achieve your new multiplication goal. You will be given a quiz to see if you have achieved your goal on Friday. E.g. if your goal is to learn the 6x table, you will have a quiz on 6x table on Monday. Complete Mathletics tasks assigned to you.
Tuesday 13 September Class Photos
Wednesday 14 September Elementary Parent Workshop
Thursday 15 September Individual Photos
Friday 16 September 7:45 am Elementary Assembly
Grade 4 Home Learning Activities
Due: Thursday 8th Sept (3 1/2 day week)
Read for 15-20 minutes at home every day.
You will record your reading each morning in the classroom.
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Book recommendation
You are to find your favorite book at home or in the library and promote that book for the class. Your book can be in your family language or in English.
You need to be convincing when you are promoting this book.
Why should we read it? Try to use powerful words..
Post your argument of why we should read this book on your blog with a picture. You will show your book and present your argument in class next Monday.
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Math: Basic Facts Goal / Mathletics
Keep practicing your multiplication goal.
You can chose how you will practice. You may chose to create flip cards, play a matching game, play High/Low, Dice games or do quizzes.
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Catch up …
If you are getting behind with your blog posts this is a chance to catch up. You have a list of what should be on your blog.
Check the list and see if you have completed all the items.
If you have 93 unread emails ... it might be a good opportunity to read emails too !
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