Saturday, October 22, 2016

Home learning - due Fri 28th Oct

Grade 4  AS   Home learning tasks         Due  Friday 28th Oct 2016
Email:                  Blog:

Girl, Book, Read, Purple,
Personal reading
  • 15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log each morning at school.

U O I - Art Mirrors Life
  • We have been discussing how art sometimes reflects what is happening in the world and other times is used to send a message.
  • Think about artists who have a strong message in their work.
  • Select an artist that interests or inspires you and add information about this artist to the shared Art Message Google slides (check your email for link). Explain who the artist is, an image or link to their art form and what you believe their message is. I have completed the first slide as an example.
  • Check out some of these sites for ideas …

Math - Estimation and Measurement
  • You will be estimating (roughly calculate / guess) the length of object listed on your math sheet.
  • You will then measure each object and see how close your estimate was.
  • Bring your completed measurement recording sheet to class on Thursday.

Monday: Guest Photographer, Art
Tuesday: Swimming, Music
Wednesday - PE, Digital Collage workshop
Thursday  -  PE, Visit to Sec Art class, Photo editing - part 2, book swap - Library
Friday: Homework tasks due

You will estimate the length/height of 12 objects and then measure to check your accuracy.
I have selected 6 for you. You will select an additional 6 objects in your home.
You will use whichever metric measurement you think is appropriate - mm, cm, m, km ...
Bring completed sheet to school on Thursday - ready to discuss estimates, accuracy and the tools you used to complete the task.

What I measured
Estimate - what I thought it would be.
How long it really was.
The difference between estimate and true measurement
EX  My shoe
15 cm
29 cm
Estimate was
14 cm less
Front door

A fork

A very tall person

A grain of rice

Height of rubbish bin

Your height







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