Monday, October 24, 2016

Scaffolding - Writing responses to Art

The Grade 4 students worked with Ms Marcelle and I to write more detailed responses to pieces of art. They used sentences starters and writing scaffolds to help them structure their writing. They also used work banks to help them think of more descriptive words in their reflections.

The students viewed a well known Piece of art and wrote responses in small groups. 

Here is one groups response ...

Starry night is a painting by Vincent Van Gogh. It is from 1889. 
When we look at the painting we see stars and a big city. The building are pointy and sharp. 
It looks like a scene with rooftops, tall buildings and stars in the background.  
There is a village in the foreground, mountains in the mid ground and a moon, stars, sky and wind in the background. 

The artist has used dark and light contrasting colors. The lines are smooth, curvy and also sharp. 
The shapes are circular and triangular. 
Movement is created by short gentle waves. The circular shape creates movement. 

The artwork makes us feel calm. It makes us stop and look at it. It draws us into the picture. 
The colors of this artwork create a sense of relaxation. They are of a gentle, calm, beautiful night sky. 

The painting reminds me of the ocean, mountains and happiness. 

By Tasha and Otis

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