Monday, August 24, 2015

Sizzling starts to hook the reader

As a class we came up with sizzling starts to hook readers. We brainstormed ideas and read examples from books in our library. When we all had ideas of what a sizzling start is we went back to the recount we wrote in class last Thursday "Ouch' or 'A special event'. We thought up new beginnings to improve the start of our story.

Some examples ....

I woke up in shock. My heart was pounding.
"Crack" a sound came from my leg. Surprisingly I did not feel any pain.
July 13th was the best day of my life.
Psst, Psst, Psst ... Thats the sound of fire moving down the stick towards my fingers.
Today was the worst day ever because I did a silly thing.
Boom! I dashed towards the washing machine.
The first candle was lit. I was very excited.
Dead! He couldn't be dead.
I opened my eyes and everything looked different.

Some sizzling starts from books ....

The students will be searching for a sizzling start from a book they are reading or one they find in the library for homework. They will be showing me their tech skills and adding their chosen start to a class Google document.

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