Saturday, August 15, 2015

Homework - due Friday 21st August

Home Learning Activities Grade 4 – Ms Alison Due: Friday 21st August
Read for 15-20 minutes every day at home.
You will record your reading each morning in the classroom.
(Reading logs will be ready on Tuesday)
Mathematics Basic Facts Goal
Last week you set a basic facts goal.  
Now it is time to practice and achieve your goal.  
Write your goal in your homework book and the action you will take to achieve your goal.
Example: I am going to improve my accuracy and speed X7 multiplication tables.
Action: I will make flashcards at home and practice each day for 10 minutes. I will get my mother to test me. I will also play flipper, dice roll and buzz with my sister.

U O I - Shape of a Leader
Talk to your parents about the leaders in your family, school and community.  Record the names of leaders on the template provided, with your name at the center (Ms Alison will show you an example in class).
Select a leader from each circle (home, school, and community) and write three paragraphs. Paragraph 1 - Leader at home, Paragraph 2 - Leader at School, Paragraph 3 - Leader in Community.
Example: A leader at  ______________________ is ___________________.
This person is a leader because ____________________________.
This leader shows these attributes/characteristics ____________________.
(use examples to support the attributes you have chosen).

Oral:  Be prepared to present this information (read your 3 paragraphs) to the class on Friday. Practice reading your writing out loud at home and make sure the paragraphs make sense and include an example.
We will use our examples to create a class concentric circle.
We will then add more rings and think of other leaders.

Thursday 20 August 7:45 am - Elementary Parent Workshop
Friday 28 August  1:45 pm - Elementary Assembly
Friday 4 September 11:30 am - Early Dismissal for Elementary Students (PD for Staff)

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