Saturday, February 28, 2015

Homework due Friday 6th March

Home Learning Activities Grade 4/5 – Ms Alison Due: Friday 6th March
   Email:                   Blog:

You will read a book of your choice for 20 + minutes each day at home.
You will record your reading in your class reading log each morning.
Pencil by taylor.a, on Flickr
You will take 2 photographs of everyday items  showing your understanding of fractions.

These two fractions must be different / not equivalent.

Ie - Here is a picture showing a pizza cut into 6ths. ⅙ is about to be picked up.

You will send me two pictures and your explanations on a google doc.
Create & Construct by lorraine
UOI: Getting to Know about your life
You will create an artwork that shows a scene from your everyday life in a medium of your choice (different to the medium you chose last week).
You may choose to write poem, create a collage of photographs, make a film, paint, draw a picture.
You will also write one paragraph explaining what the artwork shows and why you chose the medium. You can send this to me on a google document or bring in a handwritten explanation with your piece of art.
UOI: Art quote
Select a quote from our class graffiti board.
Write down the quote and think about why you chose it.
Write a paragraph or two responding to this quote. Your paragraph must include..
  • What you think the quote means
  • Whether you agree or disagree with this quote
  • Provide evidence / back up your opinion.
Send this to me on a google Document.

Oral Presentation:
This FRIDAY you will share your ...
  • Piece of art showing a scene from your life with the class.
  • Quote and response
  • Two math pictures of fractions
Please be prepared.

We will continue to trial a paperless homework task sheet. The homework is on the class blog.

Monday 23rd: Music, Computer lab (Blogging)
Tuesday 24th: Field trip (Info on blog), PE, FL
Wednesday 25th: PE, FL
Thursday 26th: Swimming (bring Swim kit)
Friday 27th: PURPLE DAY, Art (swapped days this week), FL, Computer lab (Publishing)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Field trip on Tuesday

Grade 4 field trip on Tuesday 3rd March.
We will leave school at 8.00 and return by 10.10am.

We are traveling in class groups on three buses. 
We plan to visit 
  • David Holliday's art studio and see how he makes his beautiful photomontages.
  • Sketch and take photos of architectural sites
  • Sensory writing task overlooking the river near the Naga pier
The link to David Holliday's website is

Sensory writing

The students wrote a story using the descriptive words from their sensory brainstorm.
They put themselves in the scene of the traffic and noise on Norodom boulevard and imagined themselves crossing the road.

They shared favorite parts of their writing with the class.

I could hear construction in the distance and rattling motorbikes about to start. I could feel my heart pounding harder and felt insecure.

I see people driving on the wrong side of he road. I take a deep breath and start walking. I make it halfway.

I feel the soft, gentle breeze as a car pass me.
Jo Yii

The bright sun shines down on me. I can feel sweat on my neck.

As I stand there bewildered I see a chance to get across. Then… vooom, I missed my chance.

I felt scared and closed my eyes. I said to myself “I will cross this scary road” and opened my eyes.

I am standing in front of the street. I feel sick and weak. I don’t want to move a step.

In my mind I am safe but around me is far from safe. I hear a car horn. I look beside me. Bang! I am in the air.

I am scared. I feel like I am alone in the street.

I was confused. How to start when the vehicles were going so fast.

Every time a car beeps I feel my heart jump.

My heart is beating fast. I can feel the sun burning the top of my head.

The dry wind is coming at my face. I feel the dust in my eyes.

I saw a garbage truck and it left a bad smell behind.

The sweat of fear became the sweat of happiness.

I made it. I was amazed, ecstatic and proud. I was the bravest thing I have done.
Meng Seu

Abstract art on the computer

The students created their own art using a computer program this afternoon.

The program  Picasso head  allows student to choose features, shapes, colors and create their own piece of work.  The students reflected on this and unanimously decided that yes - this is art.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Friday 6th March - Battle of the bands

Battle of the bands is a fun event organized by the Secondary students. 

It is on next week on the Secondary campus on friday night.

Dress up day - Next Friday

Using Tempera

This afternoon we created self portraits in the style of Paul Klee while listening to Mozart.

A Swiss artist that was born in 1879 - he challenged the concept of Art.
We sketched a self portrait and added color using tempera.
The students will reflect on how creating art makes them feel and whether they enjoy using tempera tomorrow morning.

Sensory writing

We started a sensory writing exercise during Language today.
The students sat on the top level - near the art room and watched all the action on Norodom. They recorded what they could see, hear, feel, smell and taste. They then imagined that they were standing on Norodom Blvd trying to cross the road and added more feelings to their brainstorm.

When we went back to the classroom we shared or ideas and descriptive words. The students created their own plan and will start writing a descriptive piece about standing in front of the school and crossing the road tomorrow.

We will use his strategy throughout this unit. Drawing on our senses to create rich, detailed and emotive writing.

Blind drawing - Picasso style

We tried drawing pictures without looking at the page today.
We were talking about abstract art and Picasso.
Are these scribbles art? Most students in the class say 'yes'.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sports day photos

Here are some pictures from the NISC sports day.
There are many more on the PE blog.

Permission slip

A permission slip is coming home today. Can you please sign and return by Friday?
We are putting together our first field trip. It looks like it will be on Tuesday morning and will involve a visit to David Holliday's Art studio, an sketching exercise near the Palace and a sensory writing task.

More information will be passed on when we have booked the buses and confirmed the details.


February 25th, 2015             Grade 4 Field Trip Permission Slip.

Dear Parents/Guardians of Grade 4 Students,

We have just started our fifth unit of inquiry - an inquiry into the ways we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of aesthetics. Our central idea is ‘Artistic expression is influenced by the society in which it exists’.

During the next seven weeks the students will be learning about how artists express themselves,
the relationship between artists and society and will be formulating their own opinions and response to various art forms.

During this unit we will be observing various forms of art in Phnom Penh. We will be:

  • Visiting the studio of Artist David Holliday
  • Visiting the studio of Dina Chhan
  • Watching excerpts from Marty Sharples feature film
  • Visiting photographic and art exhibitions in Phnom Penh
  • Visiting the Grade 12 Diploma art exhibition at the Secondary campus
  • Taking photographs, sketching and writing in the gardens by the Royal Palace, sitting by Naga Pier, and near the market

We will inform you of the dates and times of each of these visits via our blogs and by email at the start of each week.

We will also invite guest speakers and artists to the school to speak to the students about their work and run mini workshops, teaching the students new skills.

These are all experiences that are valuable in helping your child to understand how artists feel about their work, what influences artists, how society responds to their work, and their own personal responses to the art.

Please complete the permission slip and ask your child to return it to the class teacher by Friday 27th February, 2015.
Thank you,
Grade 4 Team

Grade 4 Permission slip - Exploring art in Phnom Penh.

My child  ………………………………has permission to participate in these unit of inquiry/art related field trips.

I authorize the teacher in charge of the excursion to consent, where it is impracticable to communicate with me, to the child receiving such medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary.

Signed: ……………………………………...........….          

Date: …...............…...…………………………….

Student Name: ……………………………………………...

Emergency Contact Number: ……………………...………………….……

Class discussions - What is Art?

In class we started looking at picture prompts provided by Ms Dana and asked ourselves whether each item was Art. We made a decision and put our hands on our head if we thought it was art and crossed our arms if we thought it was not. We then had to explain why we said yes or no.

We came up with some great ideas about what art actually includes. The students then reviewed their ideas from Monday, looked at others ideas and then completed their own sentence - Art is ....

Students will post their definitions on their blogs and will continue reflecting tomorrow when we look at the rest of Ms Dana's slides.

The students also started setting up their developmental workbooks. They will use these to plan pieces of art and reflect on Art that we experience in the coming weeks.