Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Visiting the synagogue

The Grade 4 students visited Rabbi Butman at Chabad House last week.
Rabbi Butman spoke to the students about Jewish beliefs, dress, practices and celebrations.
He showed them where they keep the Torah and let the students look closely at a replica Torah.
The students asked questions to clarify their understanding and gained a good understanding of Judaism.

Buddy reading

We met our buddies in the library last week to read some picture books.
Here are some pictures of the Grade 4's being wonderful role models.

Visiting the Grade 10 Exhibition

Last week we visited the Grade 10 personal project Exhibition.

It was a wonderful opportunity for the Grade 4 students to talk to the Grade 10's about their projects.
Most projects were motivated by a passion & it was interesting to hear the Grade 4's make parallels with the passion project they have just started.

Pajama day fun in Elementary

Most of the students in our class dressed up for pajama day on Thursday.
Thank you to the Student Councilors for organizing the event.