Thursday, October 30, 2014

Reminder - 2 day week

Next week is Water festival. We will not be at school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

There will be no homework set for the week.
I do hope students will read each day even when they are on holidays.

Barge info

Dear Parents,

Thank you to those who attended the information meeting last night.  

If you did not attend the meeting and wish to find out more please look at the presentation we shared.

Information and related forms are included in the folder that has been shared with you, or you can ask your child to collect a pack from school. 

Friday Math

This morning the students have been working on Mental math strategies.
We have found easy ways to multiply and divide 10's, 100's, 1000's, 10,000's +.

We have also been gathering data. Organizing it and then presenting it neatly and accurately using line graphs.

Reminder - Grade 5 Parent information evening tonight

There is a Barge trip information session tonight at 6.00pm in my class room (room 9).

Bring along your child's passport.
We can make a copy of passport details and then give it straight back to you.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Making iMovies

We had a fun session with our buddies today.
We were filming stories written by the Grade 1 students and creating iMovies.

Writing independent explanations

We have been busy researching and writing independent explanations this week.
Students are putting copies of all their writing on their own blogs.

We have also been reflecting on all our learning during the Unit.

Here are a few samples ....

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Models and experiments

We had a busy day demonstrating forms of energy to peers today.

We shared examples of gravitational energy, chemical reactions, electrical energy models, sound energy - voices traveling across string, gravitational energy models, and tried cooking muffins using solar energy.

Tomorrow the students will present more information to the class about their energy form and write explanations. We will also have another attempt to cook another batch of muffins in the solar ovens if we have a sunny day.