Monday, March 30, 2015

Everything you can imagine is real.
The students painted self portraits in the abstract style of Picasso this morning. 
They considered shape, style and tried to select contrasting colors for effect. 

PE reflection

Grade 4 and 5 students, 

Striking and Fielding
As part of your striking and fielding assessment we would you to complete this quick task please. You will reflect on your striking and fielding skills. Please complete this task for homework. 
Please follow the steps below. 
1. Open up the google doc link.

2. Go to File and make a copy

3. Name the copy "YOUR" name and "striking and fielding"

4. On your new google doc copy highlight in colour where you think your skills are in T-ball or Softball. You should highlight the 4 areas: fielding, striking, decision making and rules. 
5. Add a copy to your blog (either a link, embed the document or take a screenshot and add it)

6. When you have uploaded your rubric onto your blog, email your PE teacher your blog link address. 

If you have any problems please ask an expert in your class before asking your teacher. 

Mr Andy and Mr Ben


We looked at some of the work of Matisse and read his quotes. 
Matisse loved color and painted what he saw in his life. His home, his garden, his muse. 
We tried some painting in his style. Using strong colors and shapes. 

"Creativity takes courage"

"I do not literally paint that table, but the emotion it produces upon me"

"There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to paint a rose, because before he can do so he has first to forget all the roses that were ever painted"


Here are some of the pieces of art work we looked at today.

Visiting the Grade 12 Art Exhibition

We visited the Secondary campus to see the work of the Grade 12 Art students.
The students selected their favorite pieces and reflected on what may have inspired the artist.
They considered how it might be reflecting society and sketched some examples.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Writing Haiku's

Today we wrote an example of a Haiku as a class

Feeling hot and dry
Need cool water to refresh
Swallow dust and ash

The students then worked in small groups and created a second verse.

Wonderful, wet rain
A cool breeze, feeling joyful
Calm, cool, mango rain

Mango rain passes down
Playful puddles everywhere
Feeling wet and cool

Feeling the hot sun
Need water as refreshment
Cool, calm and serene

It is really hot
Sitting in the sun frying
Like crispy bacon

My Jordans are wet
Tiptoeing in the puddles
I cry in the rain

It tastes disgusting
Raindrops dribble down my face
I get wet and laugh

Students also tried writing a Haiku independently.