Thursday, August 20, 2015

More leaders we are interested in ...

The students offered suggestions for other leaders they would like to learn about next week.
Some are world leaders, others are inventors, people that led expeditions, changed the way people think, sport leaders, and NGO leaders - like Zac Bonner (Little red wagon).

Some they have come up with so far include ..

  • The Wright brothers
  • Barrack Obama
  • Gandhi
  • Isaac Newton
  • George Washington
  • Messi
  • Lebron James
  • Martin Luther King Jnr
  • Edmond Haley
  • JFK
  • Bill Gates
  • Mark Zuckerberg
We will explore some of these leaders next week. 
We will also go back to the leaders we have already considered and dig a bit deeper. 

We have covered our first line of inquiry - Attributes of leaders.
Next we will think about our second and third lines of inquiry ... how leaders affect change and the responsibilities of a leader. 

We will also talk about leaders in our family, school and community when we share our homework ideas on Monday. We could not share today as only 7 STUDENTS completed their homework and brought back their books. The students are going to try to be a bit more organized next week and be prepared to share. 

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