Thursday, August 20, 2015

Guest speaker - Ms Vicheka: Country Director ISF

Reflection about our guest speaker in the style of a recount - written by Jiwon

Today Ms Vicheka to ISPP to talk to us about what she needs to do as a leader of ISF.
Ms Vicheka is the Country director of Indochina Starfish foundation (ISF).

Ms Vicheka ia a leader at ISF. She has worked for ISF for 7 years. She has to give information to the trustees (board). These are people above her. They are from different countries. Vicheka is Cambodian.

ISF is an NGO (Non government organization) that works with very poor people. They teach 9-11 year old children that do not have enough money to go to school. These children work picking up rubbish in the dump and then sell what they find to buy food. ISF teaches them to write and write in Khmer, some English, Math, have a football competition and yoga.

Ms Vicheka works very hard to educate the poor students so they can catch up and go to a Government school when they are older. ISF is going to come to the NGO fair next week. I plan to bring some money so I can buy the things the NGO s sell.

Ms Vicheka is a role model of a good leader. She is honest, friendly and a risk taker.

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