Sunday, August 30, 2015

Lesson on how to give effective feedback

Ms Marcelle joined us today to talk about giving good feedback.

We looked at examples of feedback and rated them from 1 - Not very good / 5 Great.
The students came up with their rating for each example and explained their reasoning.

The students then worked out the formula for writing good feedback. They will use this when they are writing comments on each others blogs and peer editing writing.

DO .....
  • Explain what you noticed
  • Show empathy and be caring
  • Help them think and reflect
  • Ask open-ended questions
  • Praise their efforts
You may include ....

Sentence 1: What you noticed about their learning / product.
Sentence 2: A reflective question to help them improve.
Sentence 3: How their learning has inspired you or caused you to reflect.

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