Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Hook sentences, editing and publishing

The students have been working on their second recount. They have peer edited, come up with interesting starts to hook the reader and have published on their blog.

Tomorrow the students will continue to learn about how to use their blog and will set up their sharing settings so parents and peers can see their work and comment.

An example of recount writing

The best thing in the world hurt me.

Psst, Psst, Psst … that’s the sound of fire going down the stick, towards my fingers. I was at a birthday party and I was only 2 years old. I burned my hand because I held the sparkler at the burning part.

Earlier that day my mum told me we were going to a birthday party. I wore a fluffy white gown. It looked like Cinderella’s gown but was white. We got ready and the set off for the party.

When I arrived there with my Mum and Aunty we went into the house. The house was huge and was also very fancy.

About twenty minutes later it was time to celebrate. My mum handed me the sparkler. Without knowing I held it at the burning spot. Halfway through the song it started to burn. I remember blood came out.

Everyone was panicking. Blood coming out and my mum was saying “Oh my god”. They put Betadine on it but it still hurt.

A few months later it became better but it left a scar. It really hurt but I managed to get through it.

That was the last time I held a sparkler. It gave me a life lesson. It gave me a scar and every time I look at it I remember not to play with fire.

By Lyka

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