Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Viewing, note-taking and discussion

The Grade 4 students watched short clips to help them understand racism and the history of slavery, segregation and civil rights in America.

We took jot notes and then discussed to consolidate our understanding.

We discussed slavery throughout history and the reasons why it happened in so many cultures. We thought of the perspective of the millions of African slaves taken from their home and chained like animals on ships as they were transported to America. In 1808 transporting slaves from Africa was made illegal but slavery was not officially outlawed until 1865.

We also discussed segregation and lack of equality in America from emancipation until the 1960's. Schools, buses, trains, neighborhoods, restaurants. Colored people in America did not have the right to vote and used non violent protest to try to create change. We also learned about the terror tactics of the Klu Klux Klan who used intimidation and violence against black people.

We watched a section of the "I have a dream" speech in 1963 by Martin Luther King which helped lead to the civil rights act in 1964. The civil rights act declared that you could not discriminate by race, religon, sex or ethnicity.

Some Grade 4 students may choose to learn more about racial inequality and focus their individual inquiry on racial conflict in the coming weeks.

Slavery - brainpop


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