Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Thank you - Guest speaker Ms Saara

Saara Lehmuskoski (Eemil's mother) came to speak to us this week.

Ms Saara is the Country Director of Fin Church Aid and has worked to help create Peace in many different countries.

Ms Saara talked to us about the work of Finn Church Aid. She helped us to understand how conflict can affect peoples lives and how Finn Aid works to help resolve conflict in many areas of the world.

Ms Saara showed us slides of people in Somalia and told us about the their ongoing conflict.
She explained there are many factors leading to the conflict and many different perspectives to be considered when trying to get different groups to start talking.
She explained that there were many Somalian refugees in Finland and they asked the Finish NGO for help. Fin Church Aid have been working with Somalian people.

We will continue to discuss our rights and consider the perspective of people who are involved in many different conflict situations in the coming weeks.

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