Sunday, March 26, 2017

Acrostic poem examples ....

These are two examples created by a Grade 4 student last year.
When you write your acrostic poem do try to write using phrases or sentences. Acrostic poems with single words are a bit too simple.

  P  Pets cuddling up to me as I sit on the couch

  E  Everyone sitting around the dinner table, laughing

  A  A kind gesture from a friend or stranger

  C  Calm afternoon, lying in a hammock reading a book

  E  Each having the freedom to chose how to live

      C    Clash of wills. Who will win?

      O    Oblivious to the needs of others

      N     Not listening, No empathy

      F     Frustration, fear and fighting

      L     Living with hate and inequality

       I  Intolerance towards those that are different

      C  Competition and rivalry making me stressed

      T  Try to get along. Make up and move on.

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