Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Published Word Poems

Grade 4 have published poems they wrote in small groups last week.
These poems were based on a unit word they were trying to understand.

They used definitions, synonyms and antonyms to help them get a real feel for the meaning of the word.

Compromise, Discrimination, Persecution, Activist, 
Solution, Equality, Justice, Violence & Safety.

Most students have also loaded a short movie they created from their poem on the blog also.

What is Compromise?

Compromise does not need to be the same like a grandpa stuck in the olden times.
Compromise needn’t be perfect like Jihwan the Great or Eemil the Magnificent.
Compromise can be agreeable and make people fair.
Compromise does not have to be selfish or bossy, hurting others feelings.  
Compromise is accepting others wishes and being generous.

By Jihwan and Eemil

What is Discrimination?

Discrimination does not have to single people out like a bully who shouts.
Discrimination isn’t kind because it is picking on people.
Discrimination shows bias and treats people differently.
Discrimination does not have to be tolerant or fair.
It does not admit to being wrong.
Discrimination is as dangerous as toxic waste and as nasty as
touching someone’s intestines.

By Otis and Jae Yong

What is Persecution?

Persecution does not have to be candy sweet.
Persecution does not have to be jolly like an elf.
Persecution can be a ghastly murder in light days
with teasing and harassment.
Persecution is not amazing and smiley.
Persecution is after blood and goes in for the kill.

By Beaunita and Jasmine

What is an Activist?

An activist does not have to be passive like a sloth hanging upside down.
An Activist needn’t be quiet because they are trying to save the world.
An activist can be visionary and also teach people,
Offering to make the world a better place.
An activist does not have to be pushy.
He does not communicate with bad people to destroy the world.
An Activist proves that commitment is caring.

By Calidina and Helen

What is Solution?

Solution does not have to be quick, like a bandaid on your injury.
Solution does not need to choose a side to clear up a problem.
Solution works hard to combat the problem and is a fixer.
He can make any situation better.
Solution does not have to puff up or twist his fingers to make it better.
Solution works hard and uses his head.

By Dyna, Mony and Kim Chhoung

What is Equality?

Equality does not always have to be correct, like a human genius.
Equality needn’t discriminate because it is fair and even to all.
Equality can be balanced, yet still treat people the same.
Equality is impartial, always looking at both sides.
Equality does not have to be unfair and unjust.
It doesn’t have to judge or disagree.
Equality is tolerant and kind.

By Pheakdey and Monyroat

What is Justice?

Justice doesn’t have to be really big and important, like the King, Queen
or Prime Minister ruling all day.
She doesn’t act like Hitler because she always helps people
and leads people to freedom.
Justice hates injustice and unfairness.
She can be a superhero of the world, yet also a normal human
Bringing fairness and hope to the world.
Justice offers a hand to troubled ones.
She helps prevent problems and is strong.
Sometimes she is just awesome!

By Tasha and Stirling

What is Violence?

Violence does not have to be calm like a sloth or a koala sleeping all day.
Violence doesn’t behave because it is brutal.
Violence can be cruel and evil, yet still be quiet.
He offers distraction to its enemies.
Violence does not have to be beautiful or famous.
Violence does not need manners.
It is disrespectful, trash talks to prove its passion.
Violence is very powerful.

By Angelica and Phalina

What is Safety?

Safety does not have to be dull like a sleeping child on a Sunday afternoon.
Safety needn’t be harmful or poisonous because it is okay.
Safety can bring freedom and still be sheltered and out of harm’s way.
Safety does not need to be boring or hidden away.
It can bring happiness, joy, love and playfulness.
Safety is being as snug as a bug and secure.

By DaHee and Florence

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