Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Discussion about types of conflict

Today the Grade 4's had a second think about the types of conflict in the world.
We discussed Ideological conflict where people have different beliefs / world views.

We discussed how throughout history there have been conflict situations where people have been forced to go to re-education camps to change their thinking.

One example was a girl who was taken by the Red Guards to a re-education camp during the cultural revolution in China under Mao Tse Tung's rule. We also discussed re-education camps in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge. Those with power try to change the thinking of people particularly the young.

We also thought about Race/Religious conflict during WWII. Hitler and the Nazi's had a plan to exterminate the Jewish people. We have a group set of books 'Who is Anne Frank. Students might be interested to read the story of a young Jewish girl who hid from the Nazi's with her family to try to stay alive.

The Grade 4 students will be thinking some more about the types of conflict they are interested in learning more about. They will start researching, consider the perspectives of all parties in the conflict and write a short play showing their understanding.

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