Sunday, March 5, 2017

Home learning tasks - Due Thursday

Grade 4     Home learning tasks         Due Thursday 9th March, 2017

Personal reading

15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log each day.

news globe earth world ...
Reading Comprehension - Peace and Conflict news

There are a lot of things happening in the news at the moment relating to peace and conflict.
Here are 4 different news websites for kids. Take a look at them and read for 30 mins about news relating to conflict and peace.

On your blog write a summary for one article that you read.
Include the key points.
What was the article about, what happened, when, where, why, how?
Make sure you tell us which news website you used by including the link to the article you read.
Include pictures for your summary.
Operation (mathematics)   
Math Basic Facts - Mathletics  

Aim to spend 15 minutes per day - completing Mathletics tasks assigned to you.
Remember to practice your basic facts.
Open ...
It is a short week.

Thursday we finish at 11.45am.
Friday there is no school for students.

Remember Opposite Dress up day on Thursday

Monday 6 Feb: FL, Art
Tuesday 7 Feb: Swimming, Music
Wednesday 8 March: FL, PE
Thursday 9 March: OPPOSITE DAY dress up, PE - ½ day Pick up at 11.45am
Friday 10 March: No school for students. Staff PD

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