Thursday, November 27, 2014

Writing reflections

Yesterday the students were talking about Thanksgiving which is celebrated in some cultures.
I have been reading the students journals and they have some wonderful reflections of what they are thankful / grateful for.

Some things we are thankful for in the class  ....

I am thankful for leaders because they make us better people.
I am thankful for having a family that takes care of me.
I am thankful for having such good friends because without them I would be lonely.
I am thankful for having two older sisters because they love me and are very nice.
I am thankful for Buddha because he is watching over us and brings us good luck.
I am thankful for my imagination because I love drawing and doing things my own way.
I am thankful for books because the more you read the more you know.
I am thankful for music because the world seems alive with it.
I am thankful for my wonderful family because they love and support me.
I am thankful for skateboards as they take me to places in a fun way.
I am thankful for science because it helps me understand everything.
I am thankful that I can go to school because I love to learn.

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