Thursday, November 20, 2014

Homework - due Friday 28th Nov

Home Learning Activities Grade 4/5 – MS ALISON Due: Friday 28th November

SMALL IMAGE (PNG)Public Domain
Unit - Shape of a leader
  • Reflect on the qualities that you possess that will help you to be a leader in the future (minimum 2 paragraphs).
  • If you feel that you don’t have many leadership qualities as yet reflect on which ones you might need to develop as you get older and how you could do that.  
  • You will not share this reflection with the class - just Ms Alison.

SMALL IMAGE (PNG)Public Domain
Math - Geometry
  • Practice your Geometry skills and number skills on Mathletics.
  • If you have forgotten your password please ask Ms Alison.  

Leader - or pop idol, hero, pioneer
  • With your family, discuss the difference between a pioneer, a pop idol, a hero and a leader. See if you can think of examples of each of these from your culture.

Man reading book
  • Read each day for at least 20 minutes.
  • Record your reading in your reading log each morning.
  • Record books read on Biblionasium.
  • You will share you ideas of pop idols, heroes and pioneers in small groups on Friday.

Your student has been emailed their mathletics user name and password.
No excuses that they do not know their password this week.


  • Monday 24 Nov - Music,  IT lab - blogs
  • Tuesday 25 Nov - Bring your library books - book swap, PE
  • Wednesday 26 Nov  Oct -  PE, FL
  • Thursday 27 Nov - Swimming, Art, buddies  
  • Friday 28 Nov - Homework due, IT lab, Swim Meet

  • Saturday 29 Nov - Swim meet

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