Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What is a leader?

The students have been thinking about what a leader is and of different examples of leaders.
Some of their ideas : A leader is ....

  • Someone who guides people. 
  • Someone who is honored with the task of leading a group.
  • A person who knows how to manage people.
  • A person that leads a city or country.
  • A person that is leading change and making the world a better place.
  • Someone who takes care of other people.
  • Someone who is in control, making things happen.
  • A powerful person that is in control of a place, state, country.
  • A person who does something for their people or their country.
  • A person who helps people even when it is hard. 

We have also thought about the qualities of a good leader and a bad leader. 
We brainstormed and then decided on the 5 qualities we thought were the most important in a good leader. 

Our class believes a good leader should be ... 

  • honest
  • fair
  • committed
  • generous
  • inspiring
  • intelligent
  • a risk taker
  • optimistic
  • have good manners
  • respectful
  • a good listener
  • hardworking
  • creates peace
  • balanced
  • forgiving
  • caring
  • successful
  • make other smile
  • tolerant

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