Monday, November 3, 2014

Mental math, Biographies and a three day holiday

This is a short week. Only two school days and we have a holiday for Water festival.

In Math we have been working on square numbers and building up speed and confidence by playing mental math games. We have also tried some tricks to help us solve subtraction and multiplication questions.

We finished reading 'City of Ember' - our class read aloud and watched the film. 
Most students agreed that the book is better than the film. The pictures we create in our minds are often much better than those imagined by someone else. 

We have also started our new reading / writing genre - Biographies. 
In the coming weeks the students will be reading a range of biographies. 
This is linked to our next unit of inquiry 'Shape of a leader'. 

During the next unit students will also learn  how to set out a biography and an autobiography and will publish examples of their writing. The students have also selected a simple biography for their first class read. 

We are also focusing on finding key points and summarizing important information. For each biography the students will note 5 important facts linked to the persons life and 5 characteristics of the person. 

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