Monday, November 17, 2014

Thick and Thin questions

Ms Kim worked with our class today.
We discussed thick and thin questions and came up with examples of each.
We talked about when thin questions are helpful and when thick questions are helpful.

The students then wrote questions that will guide our learning in the coming weeks.

A thick question 
  • A question that needs a detailed answer.
  • A question that has lots of answers.
  • A harder question to answer.
  • Requires you to understand the question, research by reading books, interview experts,  thinking, , be reflective, understanding and making conclusions.

A thin question
  • Has an easy answer. Often yes / no.
  • Limited answer -ie What is your name?

Student questions
  • How can leaders change society?
  • Why do some people follow bad leaders?
  • How can child leaders change their world?
  • How do leaders protect people?
  • What special qualities do leaders possess?
  • What makes someone a bad leader?
  • What is special about a good leader?

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