Thursday, November 27, 2014

Musical conductors and writing summaries

We have been learning how to write a good summary from a book or article.
We practiced using an article about another type of leader - Conductor.

We read an article, wrote down the main points, shared then with the class and then wrote a two paragraph summaries. Here is an example written by Ellie

Conducting began 3000 years ago in Ancient Greece. Back then they used a 6 foot long staff instead of a baton. One of the reasons they use a baton now is because the 6 ft staff can be dangerous. A famous conductor Jean Baptist was conducting by stamping his staff and stomped on his foot. His foot became infected with gangrene and he died. The first conductor to use a baton was Louis Spehr in 1820.

The article also talked about a conductor named Maestro Fabio Luisi. He grew up in Genoa, Italy. When he was young he had asthma and couldn't play sports. He started playing the piano and reading music before he could even read words. He worked at the New York Metropolitan Opera and loves music and instruments. He says it is important to know the beat and play an instrument before becoming a conductor. 

We will be be practicing note taking and writing summaries in the coming weeks.

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