Monday, August 29, 2016

Descriptive writing with a picture prompt

Today we looked at a picture of a path leading in the woods.

The Grade 4 students thought about a story they could write using this image as their setting. 
They all shared ideas and we wrote them on the whiteboard. 

We discussed plots involving picnics, bike rides, stories of getting lost, being chased by scary animals, creating a garden, speaking to flowers and animals, magic, finding treasure, meeting aliens, picking flowers for a special occasion, holidays ... 
What a creative class we are. So many ideas. 

Each student selected one of these ideas and brainstormed descriptive words they could use in their story. They then worked on their first draft. 

We will come back to these stories later in the week and add more description, details and sizzling starts to make our writing even more interesting. 

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