Grade 4 Home learning tasks Due Friday 3rd March, 2017

Personal reading
15-20 minutes each day and record your reading in your reading log each day.
Reading Comprehension - Organizations
There are many organizations who work to create a more peaceful world.
1. Find an organization that tries to stop injustice and works to create a more peaceful world.
2. Place this organization name and web link on the class Google slide show (it has been shared with you). Do not choose one that has already been added to the presentation
3. On the Google Presentation Summarize your chosen organization.
Include: when they were established, what their goal is and a summary of some of their achievements. See example by Ms Alison.
4. Be prepared to share this with the class and why you believe this organization works to create a more peaceful world.
This week we will be reinforcing our understanding of Prime number and Composite numbers. You will practice working out if a number is Prime or Composite using pictures to show your understanding.
Show your thinking using the example below and bring your work to class. We will share on Friday.

Unit - Peace and Conflict
Find a quote that is about peace or conflict and add this to the class Presentation. Explain what this quote means to you. Why did you select it? (hint - find a quote that you understand or makes you think).
Make sure you add the name of the person who said / wrote this quote.
See Ms Alison’s example on the slideshow & do not repeat a quote that has already been used.
We will share quotes and discuss on Friday.
Monday 27 Feb: FL, Art
Tuesday 28 Feb: Swimming, Music
Wednesday 1 March: FL, PE
Wednesday 1 March • Elementary Parent Workshop 7:45am • Music Studio (C101)
Feedback - Asking the Right Questions
Have you ever wondered how your child’s teachers know what type of questions to pose to students to really get them talking? Join us to brainstorm alongside other parents how you can get information from your kids that tells you what they are doing and how they are going.
Thursday 2 March: PE
Friday 3 March: Homework tasks due
Math example
Prime numbers are whole number greater than 1, whose only two whole-number factors are 1 and itself. Example 7 = only 7x1. It has no other factors, so is called a Prime number.
Composite numbers are whole numbers that can be divided evenly by numbers other than 1 or itself. Example 9 = 9x1 & 9 = 3x3. It has many factors, so is called a Composite number.
Is 15 Prime or Composite?
15 can be divided into 3 groups, with no leftovers.
3x5 = 15
15 is a Composite number.
15 x 1 = 15
3 x 5 = 15
Is 13 Prime or Composite?
13 can be only be divided by 1.
It cannot be divided into another other groups.
13 is a Prime number.
13 x 1 = 13
There are no other factors of 13.