Thursday, November 5, 2015

Writing poems about ISPP

The students worked together to come up with adjectives, verbs, synonyms, antonyms and similes they could use in a personification poem about ISPP.
Each students wrote their own poem. Here are a few examples of their writing....
Students will post their poems on their blog.


ISPP is a fun and cool guy.
He likes it when you are open minded,
thinking ideas through
and meeting friends
from all over the world.
Or when you are taking risks for learning.

ISPP will keep you safe, and
will make you smart and hardworking.
ISPP will say “you are intelligent”.
ISPP will ask “ Are you working hard?”

People tell me you are caring and it is true.
I have seen people helping each other
in the classroom and in the playground.

ISPP is like a restaurant where you
eat up ideas.
ISPP will combat dumb.
ISPP will not make your life less.
ISPP will make you clever.


ISPP is a clever and kind girl.
She likes to make an appearance when you want to learn,
and think of new things.
ISPP will make you open minded,  smarter and creative.
ISPP will say you are smart.
ISPP will ask “Do you want to learn?”

People tell me you are very hard.
Yes it is true. I have seen students working to solve problems, but
at break-time I see smiles on the student’s faces.  
ISPP is like a Second Aunt.
ISPP will combat boring.
ISPP will not make you dull.
ISPP will make you smarter.


ISPP is a very clever and intelligent girl.
She likes to make an appearance when something is interesting,
Or marvellous.
ISPP will make you feel free, safe and smart.
ISPP will say “Let’s learn and play
ISPP will ask “Is it wonderful here?”

People tell me you are the cleverest girl.
Yes it is true. I have seen you teach people to think and be kind.
ISPP makes you smart, not mean.
ISPP is a nice place to study.
ISPP will combat other schools.
ISPP will not be evil.
ISPP will be knowledgeable

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