Friday, November 6, 2015

Homework due Friday 13th November

Home Learning Activities Grade 4
Ms. Alison’s class Due: Friday 13th November
Girl, Books, School, Reading,
Reading: Nonfiction texts
  • Select an explanation book from the library about any topic that interests you. Read this book and note the features of explanation texts.
  • On your blog record the book you read, author and list the main features of an explanation text.
The art of problem solving by
  • Complete Frontrow activities of your choice for at least 15 minutes per day.
  • Be sure to include some measurement problems.
Reflection by MontyKVirge
UOI: Learner profile reflection
  • We have come to the end of our unit.  
  • It is time to reflect on how you displayed the following attitudes during the unit - appreciation, commitment and creativity.
  • Write a paragraph about you displayed each attitude.
  • Post your reflections on your blog and use a photo to support your paragraph if you wish.
Lightning, Energy, Bolt, Green
New UOI - Energy: Interview
  • How has energy usage in schools changed in the last 25 - 50 years.
  • Interview your parents about what school was like when they were your age.
  • Have your ideas ready to share with the class on Friday. We will create a venn diagram showing the similarities and differences.

Monday 9th November - NO SCHOOL (Independence Day)
Tuesday - 10th November - PE, Music
Wednesday 11th November - 7.45 Parent / Admin coffee morning
Thursday 12th November - Library, Art, 6.00pm - Spotlight on the Arts (Grade 2)
Friday 13th November - Homework due, ISF / ISPP Friendly football tournament
Saturday 14th November - Invitational Swim meet at ISPP

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