Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sports days in December

There are two Sports days for the Grade 4 students in December.
Parents - please mark these dates in your calendar.

On Wednesday 9th December students in Grade's 3-5 will be participating in the YAPP sports day with other schools in Phnom Penh.

Students will be competing from 8.00 - 12.30pm on the ISPP field.
They will need to wear their ISPP sports uniform and a hat.
They need to bring a snack and a water bottle.

Parents are very welcome to come and support their children.

On Thursday 17th December students in Grade's 2-5 will be participating in the ISPP Sports day.

Students will be participating in a range of events from 8.00am - 11.00am.

Students will need to wear a colored t-shirt (class colors will be announced next week) and a hat.
They will need to bring a snack and a water bottle. 

Parents are very welcome to come and support their children. 

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