Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Creating poems from our class novel

The students worked in small groups to create poems from Charlotte's Web.
During this activity they re-read a chapter of the novel and cut out the rubble. They used the descriptive words to retell what happened in the story in poetic form.

The students will share their poems tomorrow. This will help them to understand what has happened in the story so far.

Before breakfast

Runt of the litter
Small and weaker
Won’t amount to anything
Do away with it

Please don’t kill it
It’s unfair
Control myself!
Life and death

Tears streaming
Took hold of the axe

All right
He is yours
Saved from untimely death

By Jed


Fern loved Wilbur
Stroke, feed and put to bed
Warm bottle of milk
Adoring eyes

Afternoon bus stop
Ran to the kitchen
Never happier

Wilbur loved milk
Finished last drop
Fast asleep

By Lyka and Boranay


Pleasantly warm
She came every day
Quiet and friendly

One afternoon
2 months old
Fern not coming

Go down to the orchard
Run, run, run
Down the hill
What a commotion

By Nikor & Vattanak


Steady rain
Bored and gloomy
One day, just like another
No real friend

Want love
Someone to play with
Friendless, dejected,
Sobbing, not hungry

Darkness and shadows
Small voice
“I’ll be a friend to you”

By Sal and Lei Jun

Summer days

Summer days
Happy and fair
Calm interlude

Desperately cramped
Grey-green goose feathers
Bowing shamefully

By Kanika

Wilbur’s boast

Spiders web
Strong and delicate
Not easily broken
Must rebuild

Awfully hairy legs
For a good reason
Legs of mine
with seven sections

I could spin if i tried
You catch me, I’ll spin one

Deep breath
Climb higher
Attach spinnerets
and jump into space
Let out the dragline
Landed with a thump

By Teppi and Lukas

An Explosion

She sat motionless
Naturally patient

Shade of his face
Wide awake
Gazing affectionately
Falling asleep

Crown of daisies
A mile a minute
Wind whistling
Zoom upward into the sky

An open space
Spider still at work

By Panha

The miracle

Dripping wet
Magic carpet
Silver forest
Foggy mornings
A thing of beauty

Thin, light pattern of love
Mystery and beauty
Carefully built
Center of the web
Block letters

Begin to tremble
Unusual pig
A miracle
Clear, no mistakes
Delightful trick
Friends, the animals

By Shelby, Jayco & SeoYeon


Dust of the race track
Hamburgers frying
Enormous voice calling for attention
Balloons and soda pop

Wonderful music
Excitement and adventure
No parent to guard them
Happy and free

Wilbur unloaded
Pig in the next pen
Bigger and older
More time to grow

People admiring
Silky white coat
curly tail and
Radiant expression

Judges deciding tomorrow
Stretch out and sleep

By Tommy

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