Thursday, November 19, 2015

Homework - first week back

I am posting the homework early for students who are not going away and want to start tasks early.

If you have plans please do not do homework. Have a wonderful break.

Grade 4 Home Learning Activities          Due  Thursday 3rd December 2015
                                    Angkor run and mixed classes with students at school on Friday.
Reading : Nonfiction - Explanation Text
Read / research a source of Energy that you chose in class. You can take some notes to help you remember what you have read.
Coal - Kanika & Teppi
Nuclear - Tommy, Nikor & Lukas
Hydroelectric - Sal, Vattanak, Lei Jun
Gas/Oil - Panha & Jed
Wind - SeoYeon, Jayco & Kelly
Solar - Shelby, Boranay & Lyka
Tape measure    
Mathletics & Front Row
Complete Mathletics tasks assigned to you.
For additional practice play live Math or do activities with Front row

Blog icon | byBlog icon | by
Technology  / Blogs
Finish off any overdue UOI blog posts. Check your drafts and make sure you have completed all previously assigned tasks. We will share blogs on the projector on Thursday.
If you are looking for additional tasks to do at home you can play the digital compass game or continue coding at home.
Fail Toy Reviewed by Mike
UOI - Energy:
On Wednesday  you will use the information you collected to create a poster with your group explaining what your chosen energy source is, where it is found / created, advantages and disadvantages. Check the list if you have forgotten which energy source you selected.


Monday  30th Nov - Back to School - ASP Semester 2 program starts.
Tuesday 1st Dec - Elementary parent workshop at 7.45am
Friday 4th December - Angkor Wat ride / run.

In coming weeks

Wednesday 9th Dec - YAPP sports day
Thursday 10th Dec - Mulan / musical in theatre 6.00pm
Friday 11th Dec - Mulan / musical in theatre 6.00pm
Saturday 12th Dec - Mulan / musical in theatre 1.00pm
Tuesday 15th Dec - Elementary Three way conferences
Thursday 17th Dec - Grade 2-5 El Sports Day
Friday 18th Dec - 10.45am Elementary Assembly / 11.30am dismissal

19th December - 10th January - SEMESTER BREAK - NO SCHOOL

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