We have been looking at exemplars and working out what they important features are of each text type. We have created class checklists to use when we write using these genres and have started writing examples.
The students have selected a question that interests them. They have been researching the answer to their question and have started to organize their answer using an Explanation format.
We will use the same format when explaining energy forms and will create models or demonstrate using simple experiments.
Procedure checklist created by Ms Alison’s G 4
It has a title.
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It has subtitles
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There is a goal / aim.
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I have listed the equipment needed.
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Each step is a sentence, on a new line and it starts with a Capital letter.
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The procedure is in order and are numbered or I have written, First, Second.
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My instructions are clear, specific and concise.
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My writing in in ‘present tense’
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I checked that my work makes sense.
Explanation writing checklist - created by G4 class
In my writing I have used ….
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Capital letters
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Full stops / Question marks
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Technical words
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Time connectives - next, later, finally
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Accurate facts
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Bossy verbs
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Present tense
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Layout of writing
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Labelled diagrams or pictures
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Can include procedure, how works and materials
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Can include a timeline
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Writing in paragraphs
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Conclusion, ending
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References listed
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