Sunday, January 11, 2015

Homework tasks for the week

Home Learning Activities Due Date: Friday, January 16, 2015

There are only 2 tasks for this week.
1. Reading each day and recording completed books on Biblionasium.
2. Reading news articles and selecting one to share with the class (see instructions below).

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Keep up to date about our class by checking our blog at:

Important Reminders:
  • Taco Thursday NEEDS YOU! Please consider performing for TTE. If you have an idea, please run it by Ms Alison and practice at break times. Link to  Sign Up for Taco Thursday
  • Tuesday 13th: Semester 2 Parent Meeting 2PM in Ms. Alison’s Room
  • Thursday 22nd: 3 Way Conferences Early Dismissal 12pm
  • Friday 23nd: 3 Way Conferences Early Dismissal 12pm
  • Saturday 24th: International Day at the Secondary campus
  • Monday 26th: International Customs Day (Traditions, games, Khmer games - in class and during break / lunch)
  • Tuesday 27th - Friday 30th: Host Country & Barge Trip

UOI - Reading the News About Issues
We are beginning to talk about issues around the world. You are going to choose an internet news site and find information about an issue that interests you. Here are some suggestions for internet news sites:

Time for Kids (American)
Behind the News (Australian)
Our Little Earth (Worldwide)
BBC for kids (British)

  1. Find an article about an issue you are interested in.
  2. Read the article carefully. It’s a good idea to read it more than once.
  3. Copy the link to the article and use Easy Bib to create a bibliography entry.
  4. Use the scaffold below to help you take notes about the article. Copy and paste on your own G doc.
  5. Summarize the article in one solid paragraph. Make sure to include the title and author in the summary if possible.
  6. Share your article and paragraph with the class on Friday.

Bibliography of Article (Use Easy Bib to help you make it.)

What issue was this news article about?

What is the main idea of this article? (What is the author trying to say?)

Use your notes from above to write your summary in the space below. The “title” and author of the article should be mentioned in your first sentence.

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