Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Going to school board game

The students played a going to school board game.

The game is similar to snakes and ladders. The students roll a dice and move their marker the assigned number of places. If they land on a problem they need to return home and cannot attend school that day and when positive things happen they can move forward extra spaces. Students had to help their family on the farm, fetch water for their family and stay home to care for their sick mother. Some students never made it to school. Others only got to school four times.

We discussed how sending a child to school can be difficult in the short term but can help the family or whole village in the long term. We also discussed how Governments and Organizations can help poor families send their children to school.

Examples were UNICEF's work encouraging the Government to spend money and give resources to improve education. We also discussed the catch up schools set up by Friends International and ISF in Cambodia.

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