Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Barge trip information

Departure and Arrival Time
The children going on the barge trip will be leaving from ISPP on Tuesday 27 January at 6:45am. Please assemble inside the Street 370 gate by 6:30am.  (We depart for Bangkok at 10:05 am on Flight PG932Q.)

The children will be arriving back at the airport at 6:40pm on Bangkok Airlines, flight PG935Q on Friday 30 January. They will be transported back to ISPP by bus. If you wish to pick up your child directly from the airport you are welcome to, but please inform the teachers first.

Daily Updates and Contact Number
During the trip, Paula will send you updates by email every day about what the children have been doing. If you wish to enquire about your child or have an urgent message, please phone the office, or email/phone/text Paula (077 595 627).

Packing List and Bag Size
A packing list supplied by Traidhos, the organization that is running the barge trip, is below. 
Room is limited on the barge, so please ensure the bag is a soft carry-on bag only. 

Bag dimensions (maximum): Weight: 5 kg;  Height: 56 cm; Length: 36cm; Width: 23cm

The itinerary from Traidhos is also attached.

Any Queries
Hard copies of this email and the packing list will be sent home with your child today.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please email

3-5 Day Barge Trip: Student Equipment List
Clothes and personal gear:
  • 3-5 pairs of knee-length shorts
  • 3-5 T-shirts that cover your shoulders
  • Pjamas or other appropriate sleepwear
  • 1 long pair pants (Appropriate for temple/Wat visits)
  • 1 pair walking shoes (that can get wet and muddy)
  • Underwear
  • Light jacket or sweater for chilly evenings
  • Towel
  • Swimsuit/trunks
  • Rainjacket
  • Personal toiletries (tooth brush, tooth paste, soap, comb, etc.)
  • Regular Medications (Please label dosage clearly and note on medical form
  • Water bottle (1litre capacity)
  • Sun screen (at least spf. 15)
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Bug repellent (avoid D.E.E.T. chemical base; roll-ons are preferable to spray)
  • Day bag or small backpack for carrying things during field investigations
  • You may also enjoy bringing:
  • Binoculars Camera
  • Personal journal
  • Torch/Flashlight (spare batteries)
  • A reading book Pocket Money
  • Not to Bring:
  • Cellular/mobile phones
  • Snacks, candy, gum or extra food (we have plenty of food on board)
  • Personal electronic devices; PSP, Ipad, Ipod, computers or other electrical equipment
  • Please Note:
  • The Traidhos Three Generation Barge Program provides a pillow and pillowcase, sheets
  • and a light blanket. Showers, sinks, toilets, cooking and teaching facilities are all onboard.

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