Sunday, January 25, 2015

Guest speaker - Kunthea Chan - Gender equality

Ms Kunthea came to speak to us today about gender equality.
She works for JASS - building women's collective power for justice.

JASS aim to give women in South East Asia a voice, responsibility and power. They do this by leadership training, networking, and advocacy strategies.

The students discussed what it means to be a boy and what it means to be a girl. We discussed some of the expectations society puts on boys and girls.

The students also discussed how girls in some parts of the world do not have the same opportunities to go to school. This can lead to women not being able to get good, well paid jobs and having less power over their own lives.

Cambodia needs to use all resources to develop and become stronger. They are not using all resources at the moment as women only make up 20% of the Government & decision making process.

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