Friday, January 16, 2015

Homework due Friday 23rd January

Home Learning Activities Grade 4/5 – Ms Alison Due: Friday 23rd January

Reading -
You will read a book of your choice for 20 + minutes each day at home.
Music - Garage Band
Ms. Leigh sent you an email about watching some videos on Garage Band. Don’t forget to watch them before Tuesday!

Edward VIII "Ludlow"
Writing - Letters
Last week you learnt how to write letters and post them via the Grade 1 postal service. Spend one night this week writing a letter (minimum 2 paragraphs) to someone in the Elementary ISPP community. It could be a teacher, student or staff member. Use the envelope and address it correctly. Once you have finished it show Ms. Alison and then pop it in the post box outside Ms. Michelle’s class.
Math - Fractions Problem Solving
We will be working on leveled problem solving questions each morning this week. For homework you will write your own question and work out the solution.
Ms. Alison will check your working out and share these problems with the class.
UOI - Fact Finding
Can you find your own global issue facts that surprise you?
Grade Fours find four facts.
Grade Fives find five facts.
Bring your facts (hard copy) to school and add them to our Global fact board.
Oral Presentation - Facts
This week you will be share your facts with the class..

Get ready to present your 3 way conference document to your parents with confidence. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday open the document and practice what you are going to say to your parents. Remember be CONFIDENT!

Reminders for January
Thursday 22nd: 3 Way conferences Early Dismissal of 12pm
Friday 23nd: 3 Way conferences Early Dismissal of 12pm
Saturday 24th: International Day
Monday 26th January - International Customs Day
(Traditions, games, Khmer games - in class and during break / lunch)
Tuesday 27th - Friday 30th: Host Country & Barge Trip

Reminders for February
Thursday 12th - Saturday 14th: Oliver Production

Thursday 19th & Friday 20th: Chinese New Year School Closed

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