Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Guest speaker - James from Friends

Today James - International Communications Director of Friends International came to speak to the students.

The class took notes and organized them into who, what, where, when, why catagories. They used this summary information to create news reports.

Here is a collection of their ideas - put together in the style of a news report.
The students will be writing their own report and publishing it tomorrow after an information session with Rana Flowers from UNICEF.

Friends International: Together - Building futures

Ms Alison class reporters
ISPP News Report

Tuesday 20th January, 2015

Friends International helps people that are poor and disadvantaged. The NGO started in Phnom Penh in 1994. They are now located in Siem Reap, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand and work with 36 partners in many other countries around the world. Friends have four programs. Program Work, Child safe, City Alliance and Social Business.

Their work starts on the streets. They work with both children and older people who are very poor and are caught up in the cycle of poverty. They want children to go to school so they help their parents to become skilled so they can support their children and stop sending them out begging or working as booksellers or scavengers. They have training programs in many industries. Once training is completed they help these people find work as tailors, welders, cooks, restaurant staff, mechanics, beauty therapists.

Friends also work with other NGO’s and the community to keep children safe. They train tuk tuk drivers and other members of the community to watch out for vulnerable children and offer numbers they can call if they are worried about a situation.

Lastly Friends have a number of restaurants and shops, staffed by trainees. They use the money raised from these businesses to support their other projects.You can support Friends by having a meal at Romdeng, #215 Street 13, Phnom Penh and purchasing home wares and crafts from their shops. You can also help by raising awareness of their great work and making sure you never buy anything from children on the streets.


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