Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Sensory writing and drawing scenes

The students have been  trying more sensory writing. They sat in the front courtyard - just inside the 370 gate and wrote about what they could see, smell, feel, hear, taste.

Here are a few examples of their writing and some drawings.

I feel the wind blowing. It is so windy my hair is moving and my page is trying to blow away. I feel like I am surrounded my nature.
Meng Seu

I hear the birds chirping behind me. I smell the beautiful fresh air.
I can taste my breakfast. It is very peaceful siting in a chair looking around me.

I turned back when I heard the drills. I think they are rebuilding the road. Then I saw a bird. It landed beside me but only for an instant before it flew away.

In front of me there is a guard drinking and talking.
I can see the gate, full of color. I can smell smoke coming from outside. I can hear Mr Ben teaching and birds chirping.

I write a few words, stopping at times. I look at everyone else writing while I sit there, very still. I can hear and feel the wind as it blows into my face. I feel the sun burning my arm.

It is Monday. I feel tired. I feel the cold but dry air. I smell damp wood. I can smell chalk and taste the dust in the air.

I can hear flip flops smashing into the floor. I feel cold. I dream of what I will never have.

I can see the Grade 5’s. I do not know what they are doing but I can hear them laughing. I do not feel comfortable. I try to make myself more comfortable but I cannot.

I feel the air blowing into my face and feel a plant scratching my face. I am sitting on the floor and writing. I see the trees move and hear a bird singing.

I see a window that has a flag on it. I also see people working with a teacher. I feel some sweat running down my neck. …
All of a sudden the Grade 5’s come running into the area. It looks like they are doing a project. The talk is  as loud as the generator.

I am sitting down on a round table. I can feel the wind blowing in my face. I can see my class working. I look up and see a big tree. It is quiet and peaceful.

I hear people shouting, kids talking and doing plays. Now I hear Ms Paula talking and little kids singing, stomping and running.

I feel air whooshing through my face. I feel a gentle cool breeze. I see a laree full of ripe Mangos about 2 meters ahead of me. I can hear other Grades talking.

I see leaves weaving in the wind, birds flying and people drawing. The wind starts to blow on my face. It is pushing me. I smell smoke. It smells like barbeque. It smells good.

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