Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Ms Karen - a leader in our school community

Ms Karen came to speak to our Grade 4 students today.
She is the ISPP School Counsellor and is on the leadership team.

She asked the students many questions about what it takes to be a good leader.
The students also did giving instruction & listening activities and had a large whispers circle.

I am not sure how "Ms Alison is really, really good at yoga" turned into "Ms Anita is scared".
Such an interesting way to illustrate the importance of communicating clearly so there are no mixed messages.

Some comments from students when they came back to class ....

"Ms Karen made me feel safe. I could share my ideas and it was okay". 

"Ms Karen makes learning fun and is very funny". 

"I felt joyful spending the morning with Ms Karen".

"She is very excited about leadership".

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