Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Creating a class checklist for recounts

The Grade 4 students shared their ideas with Ms Marcelle and came up with a checklist they will use to assess their recount writing.

They then tried writing their first independent recount for the year. They edited their writing, created a google document. We will share our writing and peer edit tomorrow. The plan is the for the students to tell their peers what they like about their recount and offer constructive advice about how they can improve it further.

Once we have peer edited the students will make changes and add their writing piece to their own blog.

This is the checklist so far ... 

Language- types of words

Use (time) connectives to connect parts of the text

Use past tense (walked, swam, drank)

Include adjectives to add description and paint a picture in the reader’s head

Use action verbs

Use correct punctuation (full stops, commas, exclamation marks)

Use correct grammar

Have a balanced use of dialogue

Contents/ Structure/ Organization

Include 5Ws in the orientation/ introduction

Use a good hook sentence (an interesting sentence that will make readers want to read on)

List events in order

Use paragraphs

End my recount with a personal comment about how I feel

I have (peer) edited my work

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