Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Important information for the first weeks of school

Snack and Lunch
Your child will need to have a snack each day, as there is no snack available at school. Lunch is available to purchase each day or you can choose to bring your child’s lunch to school each day. Please refer to the information sent from the school in this regard. Lunch is now scheduled from 11.30 - 12.30. Your child will need also need a durable and reusable bottle for drinking water at school each day.

Each Monday, students will be assigned homework. Most weeks the tasks will include Reading, Writing, Unit of Inquiry, Math and an Oral task. This homework supports what is being worked on in the classroom. It is due on Friday (I am not a fan of children doing homework on the weekend). If your child is unable to complete the homework please let me know. I am happy to make adjustments according to your child’s needs or omit tasks during a high stress week. We will start with a homework book. Mid semester when the students are confident with Google docs I will offer the option of completing most homework tasks on a Google doc.

You can access the class blog at your leisure. I will post information about upcoming guest speakers, activities, field trips and include examples of students work in the classroom.
Your child will also create their own blog, with reflections about their learning experiences, samples of their work and goals for the year. We will set up the blogs in the second week of school and will share links with you.

Students will use technology every day in a variety of ways. They may also be required to spend time at home researching, practicing maths tasks or familiarizing themselves with a programme worked on in class. It would therefore be very helpful for your child to have access to a computer each night. If this a problem please discuss with me and we can organize an afternoon where your child can work in the computer lab at school.

Students are required to record their reading every day in a reading journal. I will check this each morning and keep track of their reading progress. I have attached ideas of how you can assist them with their reading at home. Please note that your child’s Library lesson will be on Thursday’s. Please remind your child to bring their library books on this day, so that they can be exchanged each week.

Please remember that your child should be at school by 7:20am (not before 7.10am), and in class by 7:30am.

In addition, please make sure that your child has appropriate items each day.
Monday: Swimming (swimmers, towel, goggles)
Tuesday: PE (trainers, shorts, t-shirt, sunscreen and a change of clothes) & Music
Wednesday: PE (trainers, shorts, t-shirt, sunscreen and a change of clothes)
Thursday: Library (Book swap) & Art

Friday: Weekly Homework tasks due

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