Thursday, December 4, 2014

Last Homework for 2014

Home Learning Activities Grade 4/5 – MS ALISON Due: Friday 12th December

I will be on the Angkor trip and not back until Sunday. You do not have to do on the weekend. I just posted early in case some students wanted a head start for their last batch of homework for 2014.
Music Appreciation Club Logo
Unit - Shape of a leader
  • Listen to music this week and select a song that promotes being a leader. You may need to think of the attributes of leaders and find songs about the attributes.
  • Send me a copy of the lyrics and a link to the song you have chosen (make sure appropriate)
  • We will listen to these in the class.

File:Stick figure - choice.jpg
Math - Time to have choice!
  • Choose the program you like, set your timer for 20 minutes and practice number skills.

SMALL IMAGE (PNG)Public Domain
  • Discussion Question … Write what you think this means.
  • “Strong people don’t put others down. They lift them up”.
  • Do you agree, disagree. Explain your thinking (G 4 = 1 paragraph / G 5 = 2 paragraphs)

SMALL IMAGE (PNG)Public Domain
  • Read each day for at least 20 minutes.
  • Record your reading in your reading log each morning.
  • Record books read on Biblionasium.

  • You will share your song with the class this week.
  • We will also discuss the quote aa a class.

  • Monday 8th Dec - Music,  IT lab - blogs
  • Tuesday 9th Dec - Bring your library books - book swap, PE

  • Wednesday 10th Dec -  PE, FL
  • Thursday 11th Dec - Swimming, Art,
  • Friday 12th Dec - FL, Homework due

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