Monday, December 8, 2014

Angkor Wat trip

Snippets from student reflections - Angkor weekend

The noise! We were on the bus ride to the hotel. Everyone was quiet at first because we were watching a movie. When the movie finished the music came on and everyone started to sing. I couldn’t help but sing as well. It was so loud. When everyone had lost their voices and there were no more good songs to sing we started to calm down. We all started watching another movie and I fell asleep. When I woke we were almost there.

We played stop ball and waited while Mr Ben loaded the bikes. Then we went to the bathroom and got onto the buses. We watched a movie and after about 2 hours we stopped to go to the bathroom. Most people did not want to go because they were squat toilets. After I went to the toilet it was really fun because we could hold a huge black spider. First I was a little scared to hold it in my hands but it stayed very still. Then I put it on my shirt and some people were touching it. The spider was then on my back. It felt like it was going up my neck.

When we arrived at the hotel Mr Ben gave us our room keys and we could settle in. I was with Sam and Davit. After we finished unpacking we put on our swim suits and jumped in the pool. There was a lot of chlorine in the pool. After that we had dinner and it was sooo good. I had carbonara, bread, spaghetti and pork chops with mushroom sauce.

The dinner and breakfast was really good. We were loud and the teachers had to shhh us because there were other people in the hotel. I was in room 472. The rooms were really nice. We all slept on the same floor - level 4. The teachers told us when to get up and when we had to go to sleep.

My eyes flutter open. The constant ringing of the door bell shakes me awake. I crawl out of the warmth of the covers. The cool air sends a shiver down my back. I get to the door and open it. I see a figure I recognize. A deep voice says “its time to get up now”. ‘Ok” i manage to croak. I shut the door and flick on the lights. I nudge Hee Joo and Jessica awake. I start to get ready to go.

The Angkor run 2014 started but I couldn’t go because of the many people in front of me, blocking the way. I waited and the people started going. I ran and ran and ran. I got tired and right in front of me was water. I picked up a bottle full of water and drank as I ran.

I saw the finish line and I ran as fast as I could. At the end Mr Ben told me I came 15th. I was so happy. After that we went back to the hotel, packed up and had a big breakfast before we left. On the way back we stopped at the same places and I spent my last change on sweets. When I got back to school I realized that i had the best trip ever.

We all had a big breakfast. At 9am we started to get on the bus back to phnom Penh. The bus rattled for 5 or 6 hours. It rattled so much the TV broke. I slept for 2 hours. When we stopped for a break I got off the bus and stretched. I put a spider that was alive on my hand. It crawled on my arm. It felt ticklish but not too bad. I ate a cricket too. I could taste the horrible crickets head. Eww! We got back on the bus and finally we arrived at ISPP. I went home with Hyeyoon. Angkor Wat run was so much fun!

There are many more pictures of the students taken by teachers in a shared Google folder.
The students will  be able to access these and put additional pictures on their own blogs.

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