Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A note for Host Country students

A note went home today for students who are not going on the Barge trip.
I plan to accompany interested students on this trip with Mr Ben and Mr Andy.
Note: This is instead of the Grade 4 sleepover we have run in previous years.

Dear Parents,

Host Country Week takes place when many of the Grade 5 students are on the Barge trip in Thailand. It is a time for the remaining Grade 4/5 students to learn about, and celebrate Cambodian culture, by taking part in a range of activities and field trips. In the past local experts have taught Cambodian dances, cooking, shadow puppetry, mask making, and kite making. Field trips have included visits to the Palace and Oudong Mountain.

This year as part of the G4/5 Host Culture Week in January 2015, we are putting together an optional overnight residential trip for the students. The main focus will be to participate in a 20-30km guided bike ride through villages, and local farms in the locality of Ang Ta Som, staying at staying the Meas Family Homestay. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about Cambodian crafts, and culture.

The plan is as follows:

Day 1 - Tuesday 27 January - Depart from ISPP on a hire bus at 8am
Arrive at Meas Family Homestay in Ang Ta Som. 
This is  about 90 minutes south of Phnom Penh down Highway 3.

The main focus of the day will be to participate in a 20-30km guided bike ride through the nearby villages. We will stop to look at the local way of life such as the farms and silk weaving.

Overnight accommodation will be provided in shared rooms at the Meas Family Homestay. Rooms come with fans and shared bathrooms.

Day 2 -  Wednesday 28 January - Morning return to ISPP.

Students will need to have their own roadworthy bike and helmet in order to participate. 
We will transport the bikes to and from Ang Ta Som in a hired truck.

We estimate the the cost of the trip to be between $40-50 dollars (depending on the numbers participating). ISPP also requires all students participating in overnight trips to have accident insurance. If you do not have this we are able to arrange it for approximately $15.

If your child is interested in participating, we would like you to return the slip at the bottom of the letter, so that we are able to gauge the interest in the trip and plan accordingly. 
We will provide more details closer to the date of the trip as well as hosting a parent meeting.

Students who do not attend the trip will come to school for the two days and will have alternate activities.

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