Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Coming events in Semester 2

ISPPR events for Semester 2

Have a look at the plan created by the ISPP Reps for semester 2. 
Note there are two dress up days. You might want to plan costume during the December break.

MONDAY 26th January - International Customs Day
Traditions, games, Khmer games - in class and during break / lunch

TUESDAY break and lunchtimes in February
Scavenger hunt (break time)
Football competitions on the basketball court -mixed teams Grades 2-5 (Tuesday lunchtime)

FRIDAY 7th March -  Purple Day
Dress up and fundraise for a charity in Cambodia.

TUESDAY 10th March World Math Day   

THURSDAY 2nd April - World Book Day
Book Character dress up, mother tongue reading in classrooms,
Helping ROOM TO READ org.

WEDNESDAY 13th May - ISPP’s Got Talent
(day before King’s birthday holiday)  

FRIDAY 5th JUNE - World Environment Day  
Class & whole school activity

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