Sunday, January 31, 2016

Home learning - due Friday 5th February

Grade 4 Home learning tasks          Due  Friday 5th Feb, 2016

Reading : Personal Reading
Read for 15 - 20 minutes a day and record your reading in your reading log when you get to school.
Maths - Word problems.  
Select at least 4 of the word problems listed below. Solve the problems and bring your strategies to share with the class on FRIDAY.
Coding, Bisnis, Bekerja
Plan a story you can create, illustrate and tell using the techniques of Kamishibai.
Kamishibai is the style we watched with Mr Bernard.
Find out more at this link or other on the post about Mr Bernard.
Set up you plan using a template like one pictured below (8+ Scenes).
Be prepared to share on THURSDAY.
Interview, Job, Icon
UOI - Belief Systems
You have started to research a new belief system / religion.
Read a book, article or website about your chosen religion. Be prepared to share the source you used and the information you found out on FRIDAY.

Bring a sheet with your answer and the steps you took to solve it.
We will share strategies on Friday.

1. There are 96 fourth graders at Small Tree Intermediate School. 43 on them are girls. On Friday, 5 fourth grade girls and 4 fourth grade boys were absent. How many fourth grade boys were at Small Tree Intermediate School on Friday?
2. The bakers at the Beverly Hills Bakery baked 200 loaves of bread on Monday morning. They sold 93 loaves in the morning and 39 loaves in the afternoon. How many loaves of bread did they have left?
3. Hillary's teacher assigned 1 hour of reading during the weekend. On Friday night, Hillary read for 16 minutes. On Saturday she read for 28 minutes. How many minutes does Hillary have to read on Sunday to complete the assignment?
4. Dr. Banks had 330 toothbrushes to give away to his patients. He gave away 53 toothbrushes in January. He gave away 67 toothbrushes in February. In March he gave away 46 toothbrushes. How many toothbrushes does he have left?
5. Bryant, Brenda, and Jack went bowling together. Bryant's score was 55. Jack's score was exactly double Bryant's. Brenda had 13 fewer points than Jack. What was Brenda's score?
6. Grace started her own landscaping business. She charges $6 an hour for mowing lawns and $11 for pulling weeds. In September she mowed lawns for 63 hours and pulled weeds for 9 hours. How much money did she earn in September?
7. Jane and her friend wanted to donate money to a charity to help endangered animals on Earth Day. Jane donated $12.14 and her best friend, Sally, donated $47.30.  Sally's little brother Billy contributed $44.28. How much money did the three children donate?
8. Kenneth practiced his trumpet each day from Monday through Friday. He practiced for 10 minutes on Monday and 25 minutes on each of the other days. How many minutes did he practice in all?

Entertained by a wonderful storyteller

Today the Grade 4 students met Mr Bernard Caleo. Mr Bernard loves to tell stories. 
He writes, draws, collaborates on and edits comic books. He also does live story telling performances.

Mr Bernard works at the Melbourne museum and some of his stories can be found via ABC and youtube.

Mr Bernard enjoys a style of storytelling called kamishibai. 
What is kamishibai? Click the link to find out.

Mr Bernard told us many stories. The last one he told was called 'Split dog'. This story was written by a friend and colleague Jackie Kerin. 

This week in Math

This week we will be playing Math games to review multiplication and mental math speed. Today we played flipper. The grade 4 students can teach you how to play if you want to try it at home.

We have been exploring lines and angles for the past 2 weeks. Today we did some quiz questions using the mini whiteboards so I could gauge the students understanding.

What is a perpendicular line? Intersecting line? Parallel line?
What is an acute angle? right angle? obtuse angle? Straight angle? reflex angle?

We plan to move on to measuring and drawing angles using protractors later in the week.

We will continue to complete word problems at home for Math homework and share strategies for solving with peers at the end of the week.

Comparing religions - how are they similar?

The Grade 4 students compared different religions using venn diagrams this morning.
They used the research posters created by the class to find ways they differ and are similar.

We found there are many similarities in the religions we have studied so far.

Students have also written letters to me stating which religion they want to learn more about.
We will research these religions in class this week.
The students will use a checklist with key questions and will then write a report (working on their own).

Seventh day adventist
Shelby, Jayco
Panha, Vattanak
Likas, Nikor
Tommy, Sal
Hare Krishna
Kelly, SeoYeon
Lyka, Lei Jun
Kanika, Teppi

Note: Sarah will continue to look at Christianity. Sarah does not have to write a report. She will create a Google slide show with sentences in German & English.

Also nobody chose to research Jehovah's witness. Ms Alison will do this one as an exemplar and share with the class.

Guest reader - Stephanie

Thank you to Stephanie (Sheby's big sister) for coming to our class to read today.

We loved listening to you read Junie B Jones and the sneaky, peeky spying - written by Barbara Park.

If students enjoyed hearing Junie B's adventures there are many more books in the series.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Grade 11 Science Expo

The Grade 11 students explained the work they completed in Kep this week to The Grade 4 students.
The Grade 4's listened and asked excellent questions relating to their Science experiments.

Sharing our research

The Grade 4 students viewed each other posters to fill in any gaps in their understanding about the first five religions we have studied.

They completed a matrix - filling in important information about beliefs, daily practices, worship, holy books, symbols and celebrations. We will use all this information when finding similarities and differences between religions next week.

Exploring with our buddies

We visited our buddies. They shared what they are learning about in their Science unit.
We worked on stations with them and tried to make rainbows, create circuits and  figure out how things work.

New vocabulary to prepare for field trip to Mosque

The Grade 4 students played vocabulary matching games in preparation for the field trip next week to an Islamic Mosque.

The students formed groups with a matching word, picture and definition.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Teddy bear reading session with buddies

The Grade 4's selected a story and read it to their original buddy and other Kindergarten students during our buddy session today.

The Grade 4's practiced reading slowly, with expression and asking questions during the story.